Tuesday, May 22, 2007

things that annoy the hell outta me!

Lately, a few things have been pissing me off! Yes, people brace yourselves, I'm about to go off on a random rant. If you came here to see some happy stuff, move along because today is my ticked off tuesday rant day!
Here goes:

1. I drive into the parking lot at Parent 'N' me Preschool. The first thing I see is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would someone park like this? I mean really, I honestly felt like keying, throwing yellow paint on the hood, throwing a rock through the windshield of their car. Taking up TWO parking spots for yourself? Areufreakingkiddingmerightnow!

2. People who clearly have MORE than 10 items in the express lane at the supermarket. My favorite part was the moment she started counting her items. Brilliant lady, if you have to count your items, you clearly are in the WRONG freaking line. Keep it moving why don't you!!!!!

Question: What annoys you? What are your pet peeves?


Atasha said...

Okay, you're going to kick me when ever you see me. They parked that way because the idiot next to them parked too close to the line forcing them to park badly too! It's a nasty cycle. One car can throw off an entire row!

As far as the 10 item express lane, I wanted to die when one check-out girl at Ralphs sent some lady out of the line when she started unpacking her "FULL" cart! yes she did! Isn't that cool?

Shelly- Mom Files said...

oh girl, I thought I am having the craziest 2 days ever. My husband is the culprit behind it of course! ;) He has been getting in loads of trouble for not listening to me and having to pay some serious consequences. He goes and tells the lady at Lowes today (first she asked if we needed help) He says "you know anybody that wants to get rid of a son?" I am tired of my three wives (our girls were like, "HEY!!") So I came back and say, "Maam, can I leave his butt here?" LMAO!!! That lady thought we were all kind of crazy! Well, we are so what can I say! You be good and I can't blame you for the bad parking thing, pisses me off too! TTYS

Anonymous said...

ARG@! I so cannot stand bad parkers or line cheaters!

Hope you feel better soon!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I can see why you're having a bad day! I'm pissed off just looking at it (and I don't even drive) lol.

The nerve of some folk...I tell you.

Sissy said...

LOL - Girl you are a nut! How you gonna take a picture of the "culprit car"? Was the woman in the grocery store wearing high-waisted $14.00 Bitten jeans?!

Justice Fergie said...

I have to 'fess up: I'm that woman in the express aisle with more than 15 items. But it's because I'm always in a HURRY! And I always ask the cashier for permission first. Politely.


Deborah said...

You should live in Africa it happens all the time, lol we have learnt to keep on smiling no matter if the cars are parked over three parkings instead of one. great blog site. love always me

Jada said...

What pissed me off is when my dh puts his dirty socks on my kitchen table. Like his dirty socks are to good for the dirty clothes basket.

Fergie said...

At this very moment I hate the darn trash man. They will only pick up trash that is in the bin they provide, which is to darn small. Oh yeah I hate hubby because he put to huge lawn bags out, they didn't pick it up, hubby is gone for 2 days, and I be darn if I try and move the bags. So now the Homeowners Rep will be riding by looking all crazy and I'll have to curse his behind out too. Oh yeah and I feel like my period is starting. TODAY IS NOT A GOOD DAY!!!!

Military Mommy said...

I agree - I share both of those pet peeves with you.

I would have to say another one of mine is when people park their grocery cart directly in the middle of the aisle and then just shop leisurely, not paying attention to anyone around them. Get real!

Anonymous said...

First time on your site....I FEEL you on the parking issue. It pisses me off to the ultimate extent when I see a car (the very first in the line) that is parked too close to the line or over it. Dont' they realize that they're going to throw the entire line off!

Anonymous said...

What annoys me, people being rude, when kindness is contagious. If everyone smiled more & were kind the world would be a better place.

Denver Dad said...

Man, I hate that whole "my car is worth two spaces" thing with a burning passion. HATE it!

You know what else gets me crazy? People that don't use their blinkers. I mean... is it *that* hard to flick the switch?

AnnaLiza said...

HAHAHAH I HEAR YAH, i hear yah. if i was driving the corolla, i'd pull into that spot and then blame her for any scratches. hahaha yes, just like a model christian should behave and be proud of.

haha. jk. sort of.

Nan said...

Oops! I count my items before I go in the express line! LOL! But c'mon... I have four kids and usually a buttload of groceries. I am so happy when I have few enough to go in the express line even if I only have one under the limit!

But I never do go in the express line if I have even one more than the limit. :^D

Nan said...

Oh and the car over the line thing would majorly bug me, especially in a full parking lot!

But the beauty of living in the frozen North (during the winter that is) is when there is too much snow in the parking lot and hence NO LINES! LOL! :^) Hee hee!

Anonymous said...

Queue jumpers and litterbugs.
I actually called a woman a silly cow last year because she threw her rubbish at the bin, laughed when it missed and then left it on the floor and walked past. She was no kid either. I'd just given birth and was in a highly volatile state. I yelled at her then scuttled off into the nearest shop to escape the stares.

Queue jumpers who try to blend in ahead of you as if you won't notice them. I can't help but say something the older I've got. I'm going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person one day and probably get smacked in the chops.

YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

Ohhhh that annoys that snot out of me. Alot of units have returned from Iraq.... all the money they've saved over there, alot of them turn around and by those Chrysler 300s with the Bentley grill.... so you can imagine what the parking lot looks like. We've had some bold enough to occupy the back row like their cars are on freakin' display. *clinched jaw*

Orrrrr like Atasha said... the person next to them did a dookeyfied job of parking.

I don't think the 15 items in the 12 item lane igg me nearly as bad as half the county in the line at the store and there's only 2 freakin' lines open. A girlfriend of mine openly (and purposely) complained that the woman in checkout was taking entirely too long to get 20 people thru one line. Then when the manager finally opened like 4 lines.

The nerve of her, right?

Marine Wife said...

Oh, don't get me started. DH is deployed for a year and it doesn't take much to get on my nerves!

Anonymous said...

That two space parking thing annoys me too. I live in an apartment complex and our spots are not numbered. Everyone sort of has a spot that they 'own' and it makes me really mad when people take up two spots and say 'I was just visiting.' or "I just planned on running in to get something" when you know full well they have been there a long time.


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