Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

I have the coolest kids on the block.

the coolest kids ever!

ok, what mom wouldn't say that about their babies :)

Just in case there's some confusion---These are photos of my daughter and son!

click here for more Wordless Wednesdays!!


Anonymous said...

you look like a pretty cool mom too :) Happy WW.

Miss Snarky Pants said...

what can I say....a cool mom+a cool dad=cool children!

Great Pics!!!

Diva's Thoughts said...

I love it!!!!!

mama k said...

Those shades are the best! Fun memories.

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

FUN! :)

Special K ~Toni said...

They are adorable! You done good Tanyetta!

Check out mine on my newest blog!

AnnaLiza said...

one of the BEST LOOKIN' KIDS i've ever seen!


*Tanyetta* said...

thanks everyone! you know i love comments :)

Anonymous said...

lol very very cool

Pearls of Wisdom said...

You look like a great and fun mom. Happy WW.

Angel Mama ():)

Scribbit said...

He does look cute in the shades :)

Mr.Slish said...

Stars I tell Ya Stars!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha...I need those shades!

Great photos...

Shelly- Mom Files said...

So cool I need a jacket! My girls would say "OMG mom, you are so lame and please don't ever say stuff like that in public"!!!

Lainey-Paney said...

"Too cool for school!"
(oh, wait, what kind of message am I sending???)

"Yeah...that's it. You're a baby bad-a$$!"
(Oh, wait, I better not teach him that word!)

...yeah, I got nothin' else.
'cept....pretty cute!

Anonymous said...

awww.... they sure are coolest! and their parents aren't half bad either. lol


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