Wednesday, June 6, 2007

An open letter to

the person who ganked us for our gas. i truly understand the prices of gas

has put a dent in your pocket. therefore you thought it would make more sense to come and siphon (spelling?) the gas from our gas tank in the middle of the night.

oh and the way you left the gas cap on top of the car to warn us that we were robbed, well, i have to say that was PRICELESS and very thoughtful of you. I mean the fact that you were telling us that we need to buy a LOCKING gas cap to prevent this from ever happening again is just well.......appreciated.


Edited to add: Go and check out Leigh's blog
Just when I thought I was hotter than fish grease, her story pisses me off beyond pistivity!


Shelly- Mom Files said...

That is a shame! Oh, and the word is siphon, I looked it up cause I was not sure how to spell it either!

Atasha said...

YOu've got to be kidding. The same thing happened to a mom in a group that I am part of. She is in military housing though and they stole half the gas. Things are out of hand. I am glad it's only the gas they took as you know it could get worse

Anonymous said...

Hope you get a good locking gas cap. Some can be broken off, someone broke our locking gas cap.
Least they didn't put sugar in your gas. Or something stupid.
Your neighborhood looks very safe, crazy world!! What about your garage? Can your cars go in there? Car alarm? Sorry to hear that.

CapCity said...

DAYuuummmmm! I didn't think about this being a part of the new gas inflation "fall-out"! I remember this happening back in the DAY when gas was being rationed and you could only buy gas depending on the odd or even number of your licence plate....dang...

Unknown said...

Amazing...and sad.

Cap, you're telling your age with the "odd/evens" thing. Thankfully, it wasn't that bad in Louisiana during the Carter days. Texas refineries were still providing a steady supply at less than OPEC'S average selling prices.

Nice blog.

Anonymous said...

Dang...people ain't got no morals any longer.

He could've at least left you 5 bucks or something.

Sorry wasn't me, I promise! I was at work the whole time!

Diva's Thoughts said...

You have got to be kidding! I had no idea people were still syphoning gas from cars. That is sick.

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Out I have crawled from under the rock I’ve been living just to admit that I didn’t even know someone could siphon the gas from someone else’s tank--there....I SAID IT (lol)!!!

That is just plain ole’ F-O-U-L!!!

For whatever it's worth though--you gotta look at things on the bright side--At least they only took the gas!

Thankfully, it wasn’t your ride.

**Sorry to hear about it though**

Anonymous said...

Some people are just so damned triflin'. Sorry that happened to you. It's a shame that you have to lock everything up/down these days ...

AnnaLiza said...

THAT'S STUPID! i really hope they get caught. i hope that severe punishment finds them or already has..... i can't believe that... our town....


AnnaLiza said...

haha i was so PO-ed that i forgot to add


JayJayGhatt said...

i can't believe this happened to you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear what happened miss T.


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