Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My toddler loves to party all the time

DJ and I went to an outdoor concert the other night and we had a blast.
We met up with a few friends and the kids were all over the place.
They had such a great time. Dancing, Face Painting and MORE!!!
The outdoor summer concert series will run July-August and we are enjoying every week of the fun!
Can't wait until Daddy's finished with classes so he can help me run after this kid when he decides to start a MOSH pit with the other toddlers upfront join in on the fun!

CHECK OUT THE DANCE MOVES!!!!!!! He has some serious MOVES! HaHa!!

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Tom_Gurl said...

Look at DJ getting down with his bad self!! He's too adorable! He got such a beautiful smile!! LOL-soon you'll be beating the girls off with sticks!! lol!

DivineLavender said...

A kiddie MOSH Pit! I got to get the nephews to do that! ;P


Anonymous said...

Love the dance move. And, yes, if my 4-year old and 2-year old would have their way, they'll be playing way pass midnight.


Anonymous said...

That looked like good times! Outdoor family concerts are the best. I love those types of outings. You guys have entirely too much fun! As usual DJ steals the show!

Nic said...

Sucks to watch someone have fun, while I'm stuck here at work. He's such a cutie pie though. I can't stay mad.

Go head' DJ, wit ya bad self :)

Anonymous said...

I'm mad that you used an Eddie Murphy song for your title. :) DJ's a cutie!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Awww...What F-U-N!!!

Did I tell you I wanna be just like you....when my daughter has the baby?? lol

I can see me now--taking pictures like it's goin' outta style, posting about HER all the time.

Anonymous said...

Go DJ!

Shelliza said...

From the looks of it, he's definitely having loads of fun:)

Anonymous said...

Love his dancing! Too cute. Put a smile on my face.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Aww there's so much to do when you have kids! DJ was boogying down!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

DJ looks like he had a blast and I assume he slept like a baby last night! You guys do such fun activities together... fab mommy!!!

D-dawg said...

We have an outdoor concert series here too! And I love it. I've only been to one but it was a BLAST! DJ's got some sweet moves!

Tom_Gurl said...

Hey Miss Lady. You've been tagged. Come see me.....I'll let ya know what you gotta do.. :)

CreoleInDC said...

DJ got some MOVES! LOL!

dc_speaks said...

that's cute.

Diva's Thoughts said...

I am loving this! To cute.

Mrs. Stam said...

I"ve heard the new, congrat or must I say double congrat!


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