Sunday, July 1, 2007

What are you waiting for?

I placed an ad on Freecyle a few years ago to get rid of some stuff that was taking up room in my garage. I received a response from this one lady in particular. She emailed her phone number and I called her back! She was upbeat and very chatty. I LOVE people like that!

When she came by to pick up the stuff, she brought her toddler son with her. He was balls of fun!!! She invited me to her house for playgroup and chick chats. Since I was pretty new to area, I figured it would be a great way to meet people. My first day there, a group of ladies were already busy making jewelry, the kids were running around and there was fun for all.

That's the day she taught me to make jewelry. She makes jewelry in her 'spare' time. It was so easy to learn once I got the hang of it. And I was so PROUD that I made these cute little earrings!

It's been over a year or so and I haven't made a piece of jewelry since. Why? I really enjoyed it. It was super easy, it calmed and relaxed me but, it's the one thing I haven't done in over a year. I keep asking myself, Why?

Well, needless to say, I am going to get back into making jewelry. For fun. For relaxation. For gifts. For whatever! Mainly for the calmness it brought into my life that day!

Her posts are funny, sad, crazy, thought provoking, and most of all they're from her heart!
This one post in particular really made me THINK. And for that I would like to thank her for writing this post to get us all to THINK and make some MOVES. Before it's too late of course!

Question: What's the one thing you've been putting off doing in your life? What are some of your goals, dreams, etc. Please! share.


CreoleInDC said...

You know the answer for me. Film School at age 37. I'll be 38 by the time class starts. I'm nervous, scared, terrified of failing but...I'M DOING IT! I want to make movies. Beautiful, FABULOUS movies about people just like me. Talented, smart, funny, FABULOUS and BROWN with friends from all hues of the rainbow.

I can't WAIT!

Monkey Man Miles said...


what was that thing you were telling me how to do? Something to do with emailing comments or something and mine said no? HEllllp!

RandomlySane said...

Thanks for the comment Tanyetta - I'm gonna try! I really need to learn to let go...I'm not trying to go hardcore "bad" perse, just not so caught up in what other people think...

As for your question - I've always wanted to go skydiving...just haven't worked up the nerve yet :0)

Granny said...

There are many things I would have liked to do but didn't.

I'm content enough now with what I have. No huge goals; just muddling through.

Izz said...

Interesting blog. Found you through paulaD. It's exciting to be a parent. I'm definitely having fun at that and got two of my own. Enjoy and check you later.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that's a good question. The thing that I NEED to do is get in shape. I have been putting it off long enough ;)

I'm okay now, but with the career I have in mind, I will have to be MORE than just physically fit.

The thing that I dream about is buying a home. Something I can call my own. Plus I love to decorate!!! It relaxes me - like making/designing jewelry relaxes you. I have to get my financial weight up first though girl, LOL! This was a nice post. I'm glad I came by.


Anonymous said...

I always thought it would be nice to write a book. Interestingly enough, I never made the time to do it and what I was thinking of doing had nothing to do with the stuff you read on my blog. Through a series of interactions with other bloggers and one in particular who has just self published, I've decided the direction I want to go and am working on it. I still need to create and compile, but my goal is to have it done by this time next year.

Diva's Thoughts said...

I want to learn how to make jewelry. It seems so much fun.

Shelliza said...

This fall I'll get started on doing my Masters. I've been procrastinating way too long.

Have fun beading! Must be nice to wear your creations.


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