Thursday, August 2, 2007

I wasn't ready

Have you ever asked your special person to take a pic of you? Of course you have.

Did they wait until you gave the sign that you were ready or did they do something like this to you?

No? Guess I'm the only one lucky enough to have this happen to them! *sigh*

I was so proud of the cute little shirt I scored at Kohl's. The tag was $26.00 and even if I were RICH and rolling in the dough, I would NOT pay $26.00 for this shirt.

I am a fan of the wall price checkers imagine my delight when the scanner read $2.40!!!!!!!!! I thought it must be a mistake, what kind of price is $2.40. Well, who am I to argue, I gathered the shirt in every color. Grey, Brown and Black. I passed on the pink, yellow and neon green. I mean even at the great price those colors would NOT look right on me.

My husband of course thinks getting a shirt in every color is weird.

Question: Have you ever bought something in every color (shoes, clothes, cars)???


Anonymous said...

Why of course a girl must have a shirt in every color!
We are not weird. We're stylin! ;)

Nic said...

Ain't weird to me. I would have run back to get some more too :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how cheap that shirt was!! Don't you LOVE getting things at such a bargain price!?

My grandma is the QUEEN of getting clothes in every color. When we were moving her from one apartment to another, I could not believe it! I usually will get a shirt that I like in black, white, and maybe another color.

I do hate when people take a picture when you're not ready. A girl has to get her "good side" just right!!

Jane, P&B Girls

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I love kohl's clearance! It is how I buy things in every color! I do it for my girls as well. I think you look cute in the photo to say you were not ready. Mine does that same thing too and you get the closed drunken eyes look! Husbands are a mess!

Believer said...

If something looks good on me, I usually pick my favorite colors too. I would have to disagree about the pink though. However, since the next season is just months down the road I think you made a good choice. I'm not sure I've ever paid $2.40 for a cute shirt. Good job on your sales hunt!

Miscellaneous Matters

Nikki Neurotic said...

Cute shirt!

And I'll do that with jeans, because I have a hard time finding jeans that fit me just right so when I do find a pair I like, I'll sometimes buy a few just so I'll be set for awhile.

dc_speaks said...

of course i had the "not ready pic taken" with mouths open and one eye closed...who hasnt?

and no I don't buy something in rainbow colors...but im glad you liked it. LOL...

hey...see ya laters

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Your hubby sounds like my boyfriend. I have to scream at him "ZOOM IN" "MAKE SURE IT'S FOCUSED!" "WAIT!"

I have to go to Kohl's!!! I have quite a few shirts and purses in different colors.

Quiskaeya said...

Lol! Men sometimes... I love Kohls and that shirt. I think I'll pay them a visit. Hope they have something cute for my preggo belly.

Alexandra said...

If shirts are on sale like that, I do the same. I love to mix and match, so I get all the colors I like. I was just about to blog about sales...they are really good right now! I got some good deals as well, and I'm going out again tomorrow.

BTW, you are looking very skinny. I hope I get there soon as well!

Anonymous said...

YES and I am not ASHAMED to admit that when I find a shirt or anything that I like, I get them in every color available!

BTW, cute shirt!

Nortorious said...

Hi, I'm Celia's sister and I love your blog.
My husband makes me wait smiled for like 3 minutes, so every picture he takes is of me screaming at him to hurry up or else! Not so hot.

KJ Family said...

of course! My SIL and I have a running joke about buying shirts in multiple colors.

Shelliza said...

I do that all the time especially with jeans and bras. Once I find one that fits right, I get overly excited and feel the need to have one in every color.

BTW, that's men for ya!

shoeaddict said...

Love the shirt!! I have a million Old Navy tees in the perfect fit because they are awesome.

The Proverbs Wife said...

For $2.40 and fourty cents I would have gotten them also. My Husband would have shared your husbands reaction.

Anonymous said...

I shop there all the time...they have really nice stuff...i even got jeans for $5!!....that'sthe only place i'll shop now.....& i too buy the same thing in all colors....:)

Anonymous said...

Definitely not for me. Unless I really love the shirts :-)

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I buy everything (my shirts anyway) in AT LEAST two colors those being black and brown.

For $2.40 tho' -- heck...I'd have bought them all including the neon colors...JUST BECAUSE!!! :-)

Naturally Frugal Mom said...

It would be sooo nice if they had deals like that on maternity clothes! I have to pay $30 for a pair of capri's I'll only wear for another 2!
Great find!

Granny said...

I do it for the girls when I find something on sale I really like.

So what's wrong with that picture?

Atasha said...

No one loves those sales prices more than I :-)
Last year I had gotten a bunch of kid's stuff off the Kohl's clearance rack. .99c stuff! Isn't that crazy!
I understand but men won't. I have a few items, same style different color. When I find something that looks great on me and is on sale. Watch out!

You look great by the way

CreoleInDC said...

Yes ma'am. I have several shoes that I've purchased in every color. I also have some shoes that I loved so much...I've purchased more than one pair in the same color. Yup...I got it bad.

Oh...and pants...if they fit right...I get em in khaki, black and dark brown. Yup...same pant. :)

Leish said...

You look amazing! I love sales! lol

I'm a Mom!..? said...

1. My Husband does that crap with pictures too.. Grrr. I love it when I'm eating!

2. I'm headed to Kohl's in the A.M Cute shirt!

3. Yes, if I find something I really like, I buy in several colors, shoes especially! Cars.. not so much!

Anonymous said...

You are looking so fab skinny woman! Love the shirt too. And I have no problem buying multiples of shirts, shoes, bags, whatever if its great looking and a great price. If I love it I've learned to just do it because most likely I'll never find it again.


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