Monday, August 13, 2007

Learning Journey Kick-off!!! Toddler Style!

It's that time again! Back to School.

While we're NOT officially going to 'SCHOOL' we have started the Learning Journey Kick-off--Toddler Style of course!

I stay at home with my son, so we have learning time everyday but, I thought it would be really cool to have an OFFICIAL day of learning with a group of DJ's friends from playgroup.

If you've met my son before, you will agree when I say that he is MR. PERSONALITY TO THE 500th POWER! HAHA..

He was so excited that all of his friends came over to play. He had NO idea they were NOT here to play they were here to LEARN! I think that's when it hit him,
He would NOT sit still, he kept running around and if you asked him what 2+2 was, he would say, Jello!!!! *sigh*

All the kids and mommies were so excited to be a part of the Learning Zone! My son was NOT happy about sharing his mommy, his puzzles, and more. MacKenna did NOT appreciate having to share her DJ with anyone but, then again that's not a surprise. Everyone knows that's HER DJ!

Here's a few photos from the Learning Zone! Everyone had a great time! I refrained from posting the photo of the Todddler Mosh pit that my son was the ring leader of. Let's just say, the first day of school was so much fun!

Question: What cool and fun learning journeys are you taking your toddlers on this year? Please! share!


Nikki Neurotic said...

That's a really cool idea!

Anonymous said...

That is such a good idea!! Joey is getting alot of outside input at Nursery these days but I try and take him somewhere new every weekend. On Saturday we went to the Aquarium in London and while I was quite unimpressed (i think the one in Kagoshima is better) he LOVED every second. The week before we went to feed the ducks ( a first for us!) and I am currently trying to think of something this weekend.

Quiskaeya said...

Awesome! What a great playdate idea. My son is big-time into anything creapy and crawlie. As you can imagine our home collection is growing. GROSS! But I guess moms have to make a few sacrifices to help a child learn about nature. Maybe I'll organize a creapy crawlie playdate....

Tania said...

I wished I lived near you! I totally need something like this in my neighborhood. I'm always looking for something to do with them that can also be a learning experience, I am the worst teacher though, I need help.

Believer said...

What a great idea!


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