Sunday, August 26, 2007

Movin on up.

Well, I just received my very first comment from a famous person and lemme tell you, i'm a bit embarrassed that the post they found would have to be about my dang on pimple! MY PIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody anybody tell me how can I be this lucky?? My pimple post? Geez. HaHa.

I found their blog through Paula Neal Mooney and of course I left a comment. Nooooo, I did not stalk them or tell them how I was one of their biggest fans and loved them on this show and that show. Now that would be just crazy.

Well, HE left a comment today. Woo hoo! I'm moving up ya'll. Now if I can figure out how to get HIM to leave me a comment then I can just cool myself with one of these!

Question: Has anyone famous ever commented on your blog? If so, who?????


Nikki Neurotic said...

I've had a couple of authors find my blog due to me writing a review and they've commented or sent me an email. That's always very cool, especially when it's an author that I really like.

AnnaLiza said...

yep. her name is the INFAMOUS tanyetta @ calimckoys. my famous person leaves me comments... =P

i swear (okay, not really swear) you're soooo famous online and around this valley!

Anonymous said...

They stole my thunder...(even though I AM late getting to this...hahah) I was going to say YOU commented on my blog with your sweet little famous self. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at you! Now if you can get that other guy to comment, I'll bow down to you forever.

BTW, have you heard of anyone else having problems viewing your blog? I can read it perfect on Bloglines but whenever I click over to comment it doesn't want to load. It took about 20 minutes to click over right now to comment.

Paris David said...

Congrats, Tanyetta!

And thanks for the link love.

I'm believing that Will Smith AND Fishbone will leave you comments next...


Tania said...

Yeah you! how cool! I remember Dudley. If you get Will Smith to leave a comment, tell him to stop by my blog too so I can bask in the glory.

Cole Hanson said...

Will Smith...., what was the question?

Anonymous said...

oH my goodness Dudley left you a comment! I know he probably hates to be called Dudley, but I think if I met him I would probably totally be like "Oh my goodness it's Dudley!" Just like my friend who ran into Webster, I mean Emmanuel Louis aka Manny, in Atlanta and called him Webster and he totally went off on her! LOL
btw, no famous people have ever graced my blog, except for the now famous Mrs. Tanyetta!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

You lucky devil you! I didn't know famous people even commented period!

Leigh said...

Nobody famous has ever graced my blog or commented!

Glad I can comment again. For some reason the comments kept loading over and over again and it was in a loop.

Oh - I've always heard Catalina Island is beautiful. Someday I'd like to go there, BUT, since my husband won't fly and I drive 50 MPH on the highway, we'd probably never make it.

Quiskaeya said...

HeheHe! You go girl with your bad self! I have a list of famous people I'd like to comment on my blog, but I'll just stick with my blogroll for now. Wouldn't want all those hotties seeing me preggers. A girl's gotta look her best when the celebs are in town! ha!


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