Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ok, I have magical powers

Well, not really but, I do believe in the power of prayer!!!

All heathens, please leave if talking about Jesus makes you run!!!!!!!

I just got notification that my very very very good sistah girlfriend is pregnant.

I can't reveal her name or status but, lemme tell you................prayer works!

And you know what, I betcha it's a BOY too!

I just had to post this to get it out. I just called Darrin (he's at work) and I was so excited yelling on the phone and he said ummm.........congratulations??????? then just hung up on me. But, oh well.......I know ya'll can be happy for my friend. This baby is a LONG LONG time coming! Whew, I'm tired ya'll. Now onto a few other of my friends who really really want to have babies. Please understand me when I tell you, GOD's plan is all that you have to follow.

I'm serious. Look at me....Had a baby after 16 years! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have to leave now but, I just had to SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM for my friend. I sure wish we lived closer because I would be right there rubbing her belly everyday. Don't you hate when people rub pregnant momma bellies? HaHa...So do I but, this one case, I have to because I had a stake in the prayer chain on this one! Well...................have a great week people. I have received the best news I've received in a long long long time!


I already told her when dumb a** people ask her why she wait so long to have more babies, tell them so me and my husband can have date nights and let the older kids watch the baby. Isn't that a good answer! LOL

If you're praying to have a baby or babies, DO NOT give up! Keep praying and tell everyone you TRUST and LOVE to pray too! It works!
My cousin Tracye just had a baby boy a few months ago after TRYING AND TRYING AND TRYING. Now they have a beautiful baby boy!!!! I was up all night when she was in labor, sweating and crying and laughing and just happy all through the labor as if I were the one giving birth. I was blowing up the celly on that day!!!

GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question: What have you been praying about and it feels like GOD isn't moving fast enough?


Anonymous said...

Well, I'll have to remember that you're a prayer warrior when I need some.
So happy for your friend.
Praise the Lord!

shoeaddict said...

I, too, have been praying and praying for my best friend to get pregnant again! Just this week she got her period again. But, we are not giving up!! She knows that God wants her to have another baby and that it's all in HIS time.


D-dawg said...

I KNOW prayer works. I'm so happy for your friend. I think waiting for a baby is one of the hardest trials some people have to go through. Congrats!!!

Unknown said...

A friend of mine told me that a girlfriend of hers and her hubby tried so hard for years. She told her to chill out and Voila! A good post! I'm very happy for your friend!

Nikki Neurotic said...

When I was little, I wanted a sibling so I'd pray for a little sister or brother. God has a sense of humor. he sent me three.

I was not amused.

True story.

Anonymous said...

So many congratulations to your friend! That is awesome news.

Now while you're over there praying...keep me on your list. I've been praying for a new job for 2 years so I really know how it feels to think that nobody's listening.

Shelliza said...

I'm not very religious, but I do pray, even if I fall asleep before I finish. I NEVER ask for anything to happen because I believe that everything happens for a reason. I usually pray for guidance, health and strength for me and my family.

Believer said...

Prayer is very powerful especially when you got folk who got a hook up to Heaven. Serious! I prayed for my baby and how blessed I am although God did take His time, but it was perfect timing!

Congratulations to you and your friend!

PS This will be a featured post on my side bar.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

So I guess your friend can blame you! LOL!!

Quiskaeya said...

That is wonderful! Prayer is a very powerful tool that is truly under appreciated. Give your friend my congrats!


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