Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The real reasons why mommies have blogs

To blackmail our kids when they grow out of that ---

"I'm so cute when I throw tantrums on the floor"
"I'm so cute when I do everything by myself"


Yesterday, I honestly thought my head was going to blow off my shoulders. I could NOT keep up with him! I think I'll go and buy a pair of those annoying shoes that I see all the cool kids with. Just so I can just fly through the house to keep up with him! ---Ummm--NOT!

My son had to do EVERYTHING by himself:

Put on his clothes (backwards of course)

Make his own bed (threw everything in his closet and shut the door)

Read his own books (then, then, then, the mommy was there too and --then, then, the balloon was red, and ----gibber gibber)

Clean up his toys (throw everything under the sofa or in the fridge and run)

Wash dishes---REMEMBER THE VIDEO???

Pour his own glass of water: (he used the cap off the bottle of course! he spilled the entire contents and screamed when I tried to grab it from him)--wonder who had to clean that up. *sigh*

Run his own bath water---(ICE cold of course)

Brush his own teeth---(5 billion pounds of toothpaste on his toothbrush of course)

He reached for the mouthwash and I SCREAMED! He said, "Daddy let me do it" then of course, he gave me the saddest face ever! You know, to put the guilt on THICKER and THICKER!!!

You know what people, I am NOT complaining that my son is very independent, I am just going to save all these memories for when he turns his sister's age and has a fit when I ask him to do all of the things he used to love to do when he was a toddler. The minute he balks at doing chores, I will print this post out and say............"MEMBA THIS"!!!!!!!!!!!!! --lemme do it!!!!!!!!!!!!-----------LOL

Question: What are the things that your toddlers LOVE to do even if they spill the entire milk carton?????


Atasha said...

Oh how I hated when Christopher had gotten into his "independent" mode. It would drive me nuts and most times he created more of a mess. Now a days I send him in his bathroom to brush his teeth but whenever I got in there toothpaste is all over the mirror, the bathroom cabinet and it sometimes walks it way into what used to be his bedroom sliding doors. What it that about? Here's a laugh for ya,
One morning I was passed out on the sofa and he asks me for some water. I was so tired I told him to go get it. Well he did. Unfortunately, the cold water button on the cooler got stuck and well since I had fallen back asleep you know the rest. Serves me right huh?

KJ Family said...

I understand your frustration! My youngest LOVES to put her pants/shorts on by herself. However, it takes forever since she almost never gets her feet in the right hole. And then I try to help, and I hear the screeching, "Nooo, I do it myself!" Argh.

shoeaddict said...

So, did you let him take a bath in the cold water?

CreoleInDC said...

"5 billion pounds of toothpaste"

I read that three times and laughed out loud each time!

Monkey Man Miles said...

When Miles treise to feed himself with a spoon and turns it upside down so that it falls onto him. OR he totally opt not to use the spoon and grabs full fisted into oatmeal and squeeze!

Kym said...

Hey I just found your blog from a comment you left at another blog. I am new to the blogging world and just wanted to let you know I stopped by.

AnnaLiza said...


when my yougest was a toddler, my son used to love to feed her and sometime's she thought it was hilarious when he'd entertain her at the same time! hahaha so cute (there are soo many "bloopers" that i'd have to pick a good one to share)


The Blakes said...

I am loving your blog! I'll definitly be checking back! Thanks for sharing this WW! My son wants to do everything himself except for wipe his own BUTT! WHY!!!!??!?!?! Anyway, we're working through that.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

shoeaddict- are you serious?

Believer said...

My daughter has mastered a few things on her own, brushing teeth and eating. The potty training is next followed by dressing herself.

She really likes to help me mop the tile floors. I give her the mop and I take a break. After about 2 minutes, she's experienced enough, and well, my break is over!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I LOVE his technique for cleaning up toys and making beds! Just hide it! Sounds good to me! LOL!


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