Saturday, August 4, 2007

The way other's see you--I'm a Bitch!

First of all if the word Bitch offends you, close your browser now. I'll wait...

Ok, they're gone, now let us heathens discuss something that made me laugh to myself just thinking of it!!

I'm not sure what made me think about this today but, thought I'd share it!

I'm in this moms group and we have a message board. This chick called me a BITCH on the message board. HAHA!!!! She went on to say that everyone else knows it too!
I'm the only one in denial. Everyone else knows it too, they're just to afraid to say it.

WOW! What a wake up call. Me? A bitch? I'm in denial that I'm a Bitch? Is it possible to be a Bitch and not know it? How should I take that? As a compliment? A warning, A moment to check myself or what?

Sooooooooooooooo of course, I had to ask all my close friends (all 2 of them) sorry, I don't have a LONG list of close friends. I know tons of people but, very few I call close friends.

They both said, first of all, she's NOT a friend, she's someone that you know so who the hell cares what she thinks. Why are you even calling to discuss this foolishness?

They also said, being a Bitch is not a bad thing. They declined to explain it and I just left it alone but,I had to ask my LIFE partner, you know the one that's supposed to give it to you straight with no chaser at all times!

This is how it went down:

Me: Do you think I'm a Bitch?
Him: Huh? What? Can you move to the side a little, the game is on. Ok now, what was your question?
Me: Do you think I'm a Bitch?
Him: First of all where is this coming from?
Me: This chick called me a Bitch on the message board. It caught me off guard. She said, I'm in denial about it. Everyone knows it and they are afraid to tell me.
Him: Why do you waste your time with that message board crap?
Me: Please! just answer the question. I really want to know your view on this.
Do you think I'm a Bitch?
Him: (Very calmly and never once looking up from the TV) ---At times you can be Bossy, Overbearing and Very controlling.
Me: Really? You really think I'm all that? But, am I Bitch?
Him: You asked a question, I gave you my answer and now you're PRODDING me for more information. Why? Just take my response and reflect on it.

I wanted MORE info, I told him I needed to know MORE! He said, what you're doing right now fits into that controlling part I was just talking about.

Me: I'm going to have a by myself meeting. This is all news to me. In my eyes, I'm PERFECT! HaHa!

Question: Has someone ever told you were a certain way and it totally caught you off guard or were they right on the money?

Edited to add: This particular incident happened last year but, I still get a chuckle when I think about it. I co-organize a moms message board and we had to call this one chick on the carpet. She was posting crazy stuff on the board. Well, needless to say, she did NOT appreciate being 'scolded'. So, therefore she chose to call me a Bitch! HaHa....Too funny!!!!


Nikki Neurotic said...

I don't do message boards cuz of stuff like this...people at message boards are notorious for saying that sort of thing to get on another person's goad.

I don't think you are a bitch. Then again, I don't know you very well. But I'm pretty sure that if you were a bitch that bitchiness would come out on your blog. I don't get those vibes at all.

Personally, just ignore it. That, in my experience, is the best thing to do. And if you can't ignore it...come up with a really nice retort for next time.

Miss Snarky Pants said...


I CAN'T BELIEVE someone would call you that!!!

The nerve of that bitch. :-)

Address your concerns to the hubby again AFTER the game is finished.

Girl you know you're not going to hear what you wanna hear when a man is trying to watch his game *SIGH*

About that comment...I'd advise you to ignore it. As long as YOU know it's not true then don't let it get the best of you!!

The Proverbs Wife said...

I have not been called a B**** in some years now, however I think only a punk writes those types of messages on message boards. Forget about her she sounds like a hater.

Shelliza said...

I can't stand those moms groups, which is why I politely told them to kiss my arse.
What was her point? Was this a joke? I doesn't matter what people think, unless they matter to you or you value their opinion.
To answer your question, with all the things I've been called , nothing surprises me or takes me off guard anymore.

Anonymous said...

My eyes are literally about to roll out of my head. First of all ignore that ignorant obviously jealous broad. Please- you? My sweet Tanyetta a bitch? Whoever would call you such a thing definitely needs to wear that nametag for their own selves.

Secondly I've had someone on a message board say the exact same thing about me. Folx like that feed off of drama and want to drag you into it. Definitely stay above and beyond them you are simply to fabulous to let them stress you.

Atasha said...

Well I'll have to agree. Sometimes being a bitch isn't a bad thing. I think you just speak your mind and many people can't take that. You're a "NO Bullshitter" is that a word?

I've been called conceited by some ghetto chick at my job. We were cool though so I had to school her on why she thought that. I just don't hang around her type of friends and won't date jailbirds. So I guess that made me conceited.

My best friend in NY and she still is, told me I was "very nasty and and rude to her boyfriends" and I was. It took her a while to notice . I don't like people who mistreat my friends so I don't need nice to you. Nothing wrong with that.

Believer said...

I like your real friends and respect your husband. These people are all that matter to you, and were straight up.


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