Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Remember this?

The staff could not believe how well DJ handled the entire visit. At the end he was very clear of the prizes he wanted too! Stickers and a Balloon Please!! HaHa.

Question: How was your child's first time at the dentist office?


Special K ~Toni said...

Yay! DJ is such a big boy! And no cavities! Good Job mom!

Happy WW! Mine is up too!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Cute little boy... he's well-behaved too. My nephew bawled like there's no tomorrow when his mom took him for his first visit to the dentis!
Happy WW! I just joined the group.

Anonymous said...

thanks for taking me down memory lane. My boys were usually happy about going.
You are such a good Mom. I hope your copying what you post to tuck away in a journal for him.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, what a beautiful face!!

Cole Hanson said...

Impressive, so well behaved, I must say. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I love yours. But, I think you may have expanded my addiction to Blog Groups. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You must be very proud of him!

ZAM said...

Not a fussy baby eh? That's cool. I'm kinda worried when the time comes to bring my boy to the dentist.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine a small kid could handle a visit to the dentist so well.

Quiskaeya said...

Good job DJ! Such a big boy!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

What a trooper!!! Cute boy!!!

Fergie said...

GO HEAD DJ, Get your big boy on...

Tania said...

Yay! no cavities!

My kids love the dentist, they get all those prizes at the end, can't beat that in their minds.

Alexis Jacobs said...

What a big boy! Happy ww.

Jeremy Lowe said...

He does better at dentists than I do and I am at least 6 or 8 times his age.... oh well, back in the closet where the men with the white uniforms and needles can't find me...

Diva's Thoughts said...

Aaaaawwww!! This is just too cute! I love it.

Julie Shaw said...

great job DJ

Unknown said...

How cute!!! What a big boy he is, too! I need to show my son these pictures and maybe it will help him. That's awesome :) Happy WW!!

Erica Bunker said...

Yeah... what a big, brave boy he was!

Anonymous said...


I was referred here from CreoleinDC's blog and I just have to say that he is toooooo cute! Shaking the doctor's hand .. awwww!

Sissy said...

What a brave big boy! He is adorable!

Gina said...

My twins eat junk like no keeps a cavity the other has never had one. The princess has had braces, but no cavities and the smallest has yet to visit the dentist, I think they go when they are 4 or 5 here... Great photos!

Justice Fergie said...

i can't believe he did so well at the dentist!!

i have to schedule chatterbox's first dental appointment and i know it's going to be absolute mayhem.

what was your secret??


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