Friday, September 14, 2007

The TWO Anthony's in my life.

I have my weight evaluation on Tuesday.

I LOVE how they call you all chipper and excited and they always throw in this part: "can't wait to see you"

Yeah right. Why the hell you pinching my fatback with that little piece of instrument, logging my weight lifting, timing my sit and push ups, and crap like that then?

Nevermind. I know it's all for the good of the journey!

My progress evaluator is Anthony. HE annoys me. I don't go running with my 20 minute 3 mile husband. I can't stand the pressure. I sound bitter. I know!

Well, because he's in shape, he's all built and thangs and he always gives you the "you can and will do better" speech. Who am I talking about? BOTH of them! HaHa!

**I just realized something. My evaluator's name is Anthony and my husband's middle name is Anthony. Co-inky dink?????????? *sigh*
I am on a mission to get myself together. I need to do this. I keep telling myself to motivate myself. So far, so good. Then...........

Yeah, well tell that to the bag of chocolate chip cookies that keep calling my name!

I have 10 more pounds to lose and momma has until Tuesday. It's safe to say that it ain't gonna happen cap'n! Nope! No way, NO how! And it's ok!

Thank goodness the BMI is what's more important. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Thank goodness for my daily kisses from my favorite guys OR my day would be shot to hell!


Atasha said...

Ignore the calls of the bag of chocolate chip cookies. They're EVIL so don't listen to them!

Hey my son's middle name is the same and so is my dad. Lots of Anthonys floating around the place.

Good Luck!

Raquel said...

That is the CUTEST photo of you and your boys...

And I always tell myself that the fight begins and ends at the grocery store. Bring home carrot sticks and that's all that you've got to eat (we'll just leave out the option of running to the corner store at midnight for a snack).

Congrats on your daughter... getting a compliment like that makes any momma get misty.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

my hubby's middle name is Anthony too!!


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