Saturday, September 29, 2007

Da Hell She Say????


Barnes and Noble
Friday Night
Reading Area--

My son
My husband
Lady reading a book

My son: Daddy what is she doing?
The Lady: I'm reading a book, shouldn't you be in bed!?
My husband: --**raised voice**--It's none of your concern where my son should be!
The Lady: Burying her face back in her book *praying this tall bald black man doesn't kick her in the side of her neck for coming sideways at him*

My point is-----Da hell she say????? and why do I always miss all the fun?????????


Anonymous said...

Oh, no she didn't!!! Wow some folks really have a lot of nerve.

AnnaLiza said...

what was she thinking. she's soooo glad you weren't there!!! all mom's can not wait to take it out on ppl like this (oops, did i just announce this? hee hee)

*Tanyetta* said...

@annaliza----you know i said the exact thing!!!!! i guess it was best i stayed home too. LOL

dawn224 said...

Please, if my kid was ever in bed by 830, we'd end up waking him on account of the party we'd throw.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Who does she think she is? And in Barnes and Noble at that? A son and dad in a book store is something to smile at. What a snob, he told her!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

D shoulda whopped her! LOL!!

Believer said...

If you were there, she would have learned a serious lesson about keeping her comments to her self.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Funny stuff! I had a similar thing happen once.

Abbie said...

poor lady, she needs a more tactful way of asking a 2 year old to speak in their inside voice. lol

Tania said...

That is some nerves! doesn't she know that you can't be talking to people like that, you never know who's crazy enough to bust a cap in yo' ass.

Jameil said...

i LOVE your hubby's big black man voice!! faaaaaab!!


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