Thursday, September 13, 2007

Family Nights

We usually go for a walk after dinner but, I figured we would mix it up and do something different and check out the family night at our local community center!

Daddy would have been down to go for the walk but, a trek to the community center? NOPE! I knew he was trying to get out of it when he started with the "how long is it?" "where is it" questions. HaHa...

He gave me a sad look as if to say (hey, i missed football to hang out with you yesterday, can I have today?) So, of course, I didn't make a fuss and just went without him.

DJ and I showed up 15 minutes LATE (are you surprised?) and they were all OUT of Rocket crafts.

Well, I did what any other mother of a toddler would do, scan the area for a quick craft to make with your kid.

Yup, you guessed it. I grabbed some glue, cut up pieces of construction paper and let him at it.

Needless to say, he had NO idea that he was really supposed to be making a rocket outside with the other kids.

He was so proud of his craft.

The theme of the night was Science! We made Goo, Volcanos and Green Glob!

We were on the Yellow team and rotated the room for each fun science project.

At the end of the night, we made Ice Cream.

And guess what it was GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say, when we got home, DJ showed off his craft to Daddy and big sister and told them about the ice cream he ate!

Bedtime was delayed for an hour. I could NOT get him to relax after all that fun!

It was well worth it.

Daddy was bummed he missed out on the fun! Well, you know we had to put the guilt trip on THICK!!!!!!!!! Haha!


Nikki Neurotic said...

I made ice cream like that! I don't think it came out too well though.

Tania said...

I want ice cream now! it's only 11am around here, I'll try to wait till lunch at the latest.

Aly Cat 121 said...

oh yeah gurl, homemade ice-cream is the BEST. I'ma have to break out my machine (if the hubby can find it).

Yeah kids don't care about what they suppose to do. He looks like he had fun just gluing sh*t. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Paper and glue...
quite the little creative genius!


Sharon - Pinks & Blues Girls

KJ Family said...

That looks like lots of fun!

Jameil said...

gimme some!! lol

Sherlon Christie said...

Can't mess with Football...

"How Not To Become a Single Woman During Football Season" post on the brothersmanlaw blog.

Believer said...

You sound like me always looking for something to do. People forget that the community offers lots of activities and often for free or a discount.

Anonymous said...

I wish they had a community center around here with a family night. Of course, I live 2 miles from town so it wouldn't be prudent to walk. Lookslike your son had a great time!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Awwwww....look @ DJ. I can see that he really is serious about his crafts ;-)

Raquel said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I read your profile and was crackin' up! People ask some crazy questions.

Your son is ca-ute! Will you drag your husband next week? hehe. Who can say no to ice cream made by DJ?


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