Sunday, September 2, 2007

Joey Fiato (Concert in the Park on the Lake)

As soon as we showed up,
Joey Fiato
told the crowd his buddy DJ was there! Everyone LOVED DJ's Guitar and Enthusiasm. You know my son is NOT SHY AT ALL. He LOVED the attention!

What a great time!

Joey Fiator's concert from last year!

This year dad came along for the fun! We are truly going to miss the summer concert series. This was the last week of the fun!
Waving to Joey! Thank you for coming to our town! We loved your performance. I still cannot believe you didn't want to take a break. You are a true entertainer. WE had a great time!


JayJayGhatt said...

omg!!! too fun and cute. what a gorgeous family.

Tania said...

That looked like alot of fun!you guys are such a cute fam.
My kids love the outdoor concerts. Michael took Sachel to his first outdoor rock concert last week and he's still talking about it.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

you give me hope that I can still have a life after having my baby. DJ loves that spotlight on him! Who did he get that from YOU or D?? I think I know that answer to that!

CreoleInDC said...

Girl...I don't know what the heck yall gonna do with DJ. He already famous. ROFL!

Cole Hanson said...

The guitar just cracks me up every time. Thanks for the well wishes about the house. We shall see...

Lisa R Charles said...

You have a beautiful family, lady! Looks like you guys had a blast!!!

Anonymous said...

First the unknown comedian, now this...who is Joey Fiato? Must be a Cali thang cuz he sho aint known here in Jersey loll! He couldn't come to Jersey, even the lil tots would boo him off the stage..just kidding lol! Looks like you all had big fun. Kiss DJ for me.


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