I'm on the hunt for a "NO MORE DIAPERS" bag. You know, the kind where you can fit a change of clothes in it for your toddler who has decided that he doesn't want to wear diapers anymore. Yeah, well if you don't want to wear diapers anymore you sure better go pee pee and poopy in the right place and NOT on my kitchen floor buddy!
My husband is so patient. He even agreed to go shopping with me to find a bag. Bless his heart. After what seemed like the 500th store to him. I stopped short when I saw this one!
Remember the last time he went shopping with me???? He stuck it out and only grumbled under his breath! HaHa
Me: Ohhhhhhh this is a nice one and you can wear the flap down. It's very versatile. Feel how soft it is. I LOVE the pockets!!

The husband: Ok, get it. Let's go.
Me: It costs $150
The husband: Let's keep looking.
Needless to say, I snapped a photo of it. I really liked the bag. I couldn't live with myself if I spent that kind of cheese on a bag. I'm just too careless with stuff. I LOST my wallet one time and someone was very nice to mail it to me (minus the cash of course) I was just so excited and grateful they took the time to return it. Now, I'm on the hunt for a nice bag.
My price limit is $30. You can stop laughing at me now.
Any suggestions??? Please send links to some nice bags that you've spotted around town.
If they cost more than $30, I promise not to cry.
My husband is so patient. He even agreed to go shopping with me to find a bag. Bless his heart. After what seemed like the 500th store to him. I stopped short when I saw this one!
Remember the last time he went shopping with me???? He stuck it out and only grumbled under his breath! HaHa
Me: Ohhhhhhh this is a nice one and you can wear the flap down. It's very versatile. Feel how soft it is. I LOVE the pockets!!
The husband: Ok, get it. Let's go.
Me: It costs $150
The husband: Let's keep looking.
Needless to say, I snapped a photo of it. I really liked the bag. I couldn't live with myself if I spent that kind of cheese on a bag. I'm just too careless with stuff. I LOST my wallet one time and someone was very nice to mail it to me (minus the cash of course) I was just so excited and grateful they took the time to return it. Now, I'm on the hunt for a nice bag.
My price limit is $30. You can stop laughing at me now.
Any suggestions??? Please send links to some nice bags that you've spotted around town.
If they cost more than $30, I promise not to cry.
Man!! That is a nice bag though girl.
Cute bag.
Gav carries his own junk and I am back to carrying a pocketbook! I didnt carry one for like 2 years because it was easier to just throw my wallet in his diaper, now he carries a little backpack of his own with a change of clothes and a snack and toy in it. He carries it everywhere, church, to the mall, wherever...it's my way of him sort of earnining your keep. LOL!
LOL! I typed throw my wallet in his diaper! LOL! I meant Diaper Bag! LOL! FUNNY!
lol. I love that bag.
I found a similar one at target. It was really cute.
I couldnt find the link. Have you tried TJ Maxx
I LOST my wallet one time and someone was very nice to mail it to me (minus the cash of course)
I hate when that happens. It was nice for whomever to mail it back. The items are always more important than the money.
If you have a Wilson's Leather in your are, they may have some cute bags that are less expensive. I found mine there and it's similar to the one in the picture, except it's brown. I paid $50 for it on sale. I haven't used a diaper bag since Connor was about six months old. I just carry extras in a bag and keep it in the car and just put what's needed in my handbag, which is usually big, anyways.
Good luck, hoope you find something you like, soon.
Your husband is a good good man...lol. I just used a big ass purse as a diaper bag. I'm with you though, I do not spend money like that for anything, my husbnd is the spender, I'm cheap.
I ordered him his own personal bookbag from Jansport a while back, he used to carry pull-ups, wipes and a cup, but now since we're potty trained he carries a change of underwear, and a cup all by himself. And I get to carry my purse with my stuff.
I saw a similar one for a lot less at J.C. Penney's last month.
Tipping out of this post.
Any of these your style?
The husband: Ok, get it. Let's go.
Me: It costs $150
The husband: Let's keep looking.
I go through that frequently, lol!
Get a cute backpack with only one strap to hang on your shoulder. That’s what I use. I haven't had a diaper bag in two years. I was so over that look when my daughter turned one.
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