This question has been on my brain all day. I mean I even went as far as to calling Darrin at work to ask him what he would do. Of course he said, "I love you Sweetie. I'm really busy at work, can we talk about this later?"
So you know I will be reading this question to him again when he gets home.
Let me leave him alone.
He's just at work minding his business.
Question: What do you think about this question?
Here's the question just in case you're too lazy to click!
Presented With An Opportunity:
Whatchall think?
Do you think most men in a committed relationship would cheat if presented with the opportunity? I'm not talking about men who are LOOKING to cheat...but men who are minding their own business and are approached by a woman who is looking to get her swerve on for whatever reason. The men are just having lunch or a drink or something and a chick rolls up on them talking some one two. It's not something they've ever done before because they are a good guy and the opportunity just PRESENTED ITSELF.
Whatchall think?
GIRL! He better walk away - that's all I'm saying!
Thanks for stopping by!
That boy better look like ignoring this woman.
Oh Lord... I hope not!! I think there are some men (that I know) who would definitely go for this. It is sad to say. Interesting question... now I have to pose it to my husband!! :) LOL!
- Audrey
Maybe I'm naive but I tend to think most men in a committed relationship would NOT go for it. I hope most men have self control and a sense of what is right and wrong enough to walk away! Of course, it all depends on how their relationship is going at the moment, probably.
I,too, would like to believe that he would walk away. If he knows what's good for him he would. Remember Bobbitt? :)
I think it depends on how well the person really knows themselves and how well their mate knows the person they married.
I mean you can't help who you attracted too, that's just the animal in use. However, we can help if we decide to ACT on that said attraction and "do the dayum thing" And that all goes back to how well you know yourself. . . .Meaning you know if you the type of person to fall all out and stare if you see a pretty face, "a big butt and a smile" LOL
I can hear mine now "Whoa whoa shorty back off!" - That's what he BETTER say! He always tells me when some other girl stares (eye f***) or something of the like.
That's a great question you pose, and probably one that every woman in a relationship asks at some point or another. While I don't think that I can speak to what "most" men would do in any given situation, I couldn't resist adding my 2 cents!
For starters, I think that there are some men who are predisposed to falling victim to this type of an advance. For whatever reason, the "hunter" in them is a commanding urge that they must constantly battle. But that doesn't mean that the "silent type" doesn't have his vulnerabilities too.
All men, and the women who they are in a committed relationship with, must be honest with themselves about who they are and who their partner is. If you recognize that you have certain tendancies then you have a responsibility to foster even more open and honest communication with your partner.
As it is often said, the best defense is a good offense. My offense to situations like these is to share them with my wife - as soon as I can. This doesn't leave the door open for my mind to wander or for me to handle the temptation alone. The fact is that ALL men at some point or another will/have to face temptation! The sooner women accept that as a part of the relationship, the better equipped they are to help ol boy out!
The fact that a man may feel an attraction to another woman (even if for a moment) isn't a sign that he's weak or wandering. It's a sign that he's human. And if his woman allows him to talk about it freely and openly without being verbally assaulted (like getting riddled with a million questions he'd rather not answer at the moment) or judged, then he'll have all the power to slam the door shut.
Hey, that my 2 cents!
It has happened and will again, unfortunately. Temptation is evil you know! However, I can't say it has happened here. That's why I encourage a classic car in the garage and sports on the television. I keep my man happy at home!
Hey lady, good question! Well said D. Charles!! (lol)!!
Open communication is the best thing you could do for each other.
It can happen not only to our Men but to us too. Ask yourself, If you were in that situation could that 'other Man' get you to step outside of your relationship/ marriage? Would you easily give in just b/c he is paying you a little attention?
Our Men, are not given enough credit. Society expects them to 'act' a certain way (which, ultimately is detrimental to their relationship). Not all Men are ruled by what society says of them. They're not!
So, if your Man knows what he has in YOU, he ain't going nowhere!
I was married to a cheater(little did I know it at the time). He played it off VERY well. Anyway, even going through this experience has not completely jaded me. I think certain men or women are more likely to cheat than others. I think a lot of factors come in to play. The biggest question being....What's going on at home?
I'd like to think a commitment has meaning to most men (and women for that matter).
Hubby says he's the happiest with me than he's ever been in his life! Does that mean he's not capable of ill behaviour??? Hmmmmmmm...I'd rather bask in his love than think about it.
What was Darrin's answer to the question after you asked him again when he got home from work?
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