Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Lesson from a Toddler:

Keep your eye on the goal.

Never, ever, ever give up.

Even if you fall in the process!


Bernie said...

Oh, how cute was that!!!

Congratulations to the little man!!!

Happy WW, ours is up as well...

CreoleInDC said...

See...this is why I come DJ can help get my mind right.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Wow!! Here's a future athlete!!
Happy WW... I just put up mine as well...

Anonymous said...

Nice shot. And nice lesson too. Also we must have the "right" goals in life.

Mamacita Tina said...

Too funny! He put so much effort to make that hoop, of course he fell down. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Good advice for all of us!!!

Trenting said...


princessdominique said...

Great lesson! We should all be as vigilant!

Jameil said...

hahahahaha. your child will know nothing else than that his mom loves him!! so cute.

Lisa R Charles said...

I know I'm late but better late than never!

Way to go DJ!! Thanks for sharing.

Happy WW!!!

Alex said...

Hi Tanyetta, I'm Nor's friend Alex. Found your blog from Nor's and Paige's. Your son is adorable! Just wanted to say thanks for the link to blogging 101...I'm a newbie and it really helped!

Sissy said...

I LOVE DJ!! He is the best kid ever!


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