Friday, October 19, 2007

Guns, Toddlers, Church, Dogs, OH MY!!!!

question: can you see the photos on this post?????

The one thing that you cannot stand in life will become your child's favorite thing of all time! I cannot stand pets. Dogs, cats, whatever, but, when my son sees a dog, his eyes light up and he always wants to go where the dogs are.

Bless his heart. And there I am always all for it. Yes, of course you walk this little dog. He is so cute. Of course he is. Please don't pick the dog up. Just hold the leash and let's walk.

Yes, we can go to Pet Smart to see the dogs today. Yes, we can go and see the birds at the farmer's market. Of course! Fun Times! *sigh*

My son loves going to church. We should go more often. I know! The funny thing, he still talks about vacation bible school and the memory verses are still fresh in his mind. I ask him every now and then to get a chuckle. He is so proud of it. Here we are in the kiddie room at church. I know there's an official name of the room but, kiddie chuch sounds so cool doesn't it.
Everything's going great......

The lesson is great, the songs are cute and then my son decides that the music sticks would make a perfect gun and starts shooting it. Why me???????? He uses everything as a gun and proudly does the shooting noises and everything!

I'm sure the kiddie church teacher didn't appreciate my son's shooting noises one bit. **sigh**


Anonymous said...

Awwww crappers. I can't see the pictures. I'll try again later. Booooooooooo!!!!!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

I didn't even know there were pictures, aww poo. Kids will always do something to embarrass you, lol. Boys just love big boy toys and action, maybe DJ needs more time with his little guitar.

Believer said...

No pics! :( I'll be back though.

Leigh said...

Someone once told me all boys do this. I don't know why but I believe it. Cody still does it and it bugs the heck out of me. Of course it happens in public or around family.

Believer said...



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