If you ever get the chance to meet her, you will call her Nana too. It's just the way it is.
She is the sweetest and funniest woman you'll ever meet. She LOVES to cook. She will bake a cake for you in her sleep.
Everytime we go home to visit. Nana makes the best spread you'll ever see or experience and she does it all in one day. Everything she does is from her heart. We love you Nana!
She has the biggest heart and everyone loves her.
All I can say----Nana, 70 sure looks good on you!

Here's the deal. When I turn 70, I plan to look this fabulous.
Your sister makes 60 look downright sexy too! What is the secret?
Happy Birthday Nana! We love you!
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Okay, Imma need Nana to come up off the location. Where is that fountain of youth. She is looking FABULOUS!! Work it out Nana.
whaaat! nana turned 70!
yea and she still looks awesome.
and i miss her cooking!
WOW! 70? Girl, she doesn't look a day over 40 to me! Go head Nana!
70! You have got to be kidding me! I thought my pastor's wife looked good for 70 but Nana doesn't even look like anybody's nana!
Ho. Ly. Crap. That's the hottest 70 year old I have ever, ever seen.
I don't believe you! Nana looks great! Now I am feeling a little low because Nana looks younger than me. Hey, how long ago was that 2nd photo taken. :-) Hehehe
Happy 70th
@cbean--my point exactly!
@poochie--me too!
@kayla--yes, seven-zero. she is working it!
@sylvie--she's everybody's nana too!
@ivy--my point exactly! if you met her in person you would be like dayum!!!!!
@ Atasha--The second photo was taken on Sept 15, 2007. At her birthday party. It is less than 2 months old. I would NOT lie about someone's fabulousness. You know good black don't crack. :)
Wow, she looks fab! Happy Birthday indeed.
Happy birthday to Nana. She looks great.
I'll be 70 my next birthday. Sure would be nice to look that good.
OMG! She looks amazing! I think i might look older than she does!! ;-) Happy Birthday to Nana from us too!
It's no secret! They were born with good genes. =) Nana looks better than some women do half her age.
Cookin' is a way of sayin' I love you from back in the day. We've missed out on all that today with all this hustle and bustle.
70?! Dang. I don't even look that good and I'm 37. Come to think of it, I didn't look that good at 27. You go, Nana!!! (Please find out her secret!)
Nana is 70!!? She is gorgeous!!! Greg calls his grandmother Nana, she's 61ish and still teaching. I need to start working on my appearance now so I can look that good!
I should look that good now at 40 as she does at 70! Wow! Happy Birthday to your Nana!
What??? 70??? GO Nana, it's your birthday!! I need to drink the water you are drinking. Looking gooood!!
She is a fly 70. Wow! What is her secret?
Happy Belated Birthday Nana!!!
that's what 70 looks like???? get it nana!!
For reals! dang! she looks awesome! beautiful lady.
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