Our local community center sponsored a Matsuri event. Fun times for everyone!
One of the activity tables were personalized name pages.
When I told the young lady my son's name, she kept asking me to repeat it.
Darrin---then I spelled it.
She called for help.
The woman told me there's no "R" in the Japanese alphabet.
Now, I'm not sure if this true. I didn't have a Japanese dictionary on hand, She asked if he had another name. Another name? (Anthony) I then said, well, that's ok, can you write DJ?
I got the same response (weird looks and requests for me to repeat myself) so, I said, it's ok, just come up with whatever name that describes his cuteness. I think I told her his middle name too. I can't remember now.
If anyone out there can read this, please translate it for me.
And if she wrote: "Cute kid, annoying mother" please don't tell me.
She was so patient and so nice!
A huge Thank You to the Matsuri committee for organizing such a great event!
Aww, that is so cool! Look at DJ's happy smile!
Can't see it really well because of the angle of the picture but I think it says anthony. And, there really are no r sounds in Japanese. The l and r are kinda blended together and it is impossible to tell them apart. Anyway, I sound like some kinda stupid textbook or something but at least now you know.
Yes, our Japanese friend says the same thing, no r's in the language, she can't say our last name which starts with an R for any money in the world...too cute.
How cool is that?!!!
Yes, it does say Anthony but it is phonetic like "ansonee" as there is no th sound in Japanese either. HTH. It's nice you have different cultural events where you live.
"Cute kid, annoying mother."
If there's an award for funny mother blogger...you get it hands down!
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