I always try to incorporate some type of learning into my son's life. It really helps because he is constantly asking me WHY? WHY? about every thing! Is this what 3 year olds are doing now a days? Asking why, why, why? I love it.
Instead of acting as if I didn't hear his million questions, (what? i'm the only one guilty of this?) I take the time to EXPLAIN why he has to take a bath NOW and why things are the way they are; and well.....you see where I'm going.
Our new journey has been 3 and 4 letter words. After every new word, we "do the dance" It's the only way I can get him to sit still long enough. And the only way I can get him excited about learning when he would rather be swirling around in the toilet or something gross that little boys enjoying doing. *sigh*
The way I started him off with learning new words, we had to make sure he mastered the sounds of the alphabet first. Well, that was a very exciting journey because everywhere we went, my son would see a word and sound out the letters and would get so happy and excited.
He proudly spells the Stop Sign. No matter where we are, he will point and say: STOP! Sssss-TTTTT-ahhhhh-ppppp! Stop, Stop, and so on!
He also recognizes (our most visited places) Albertson's, Barnes and Noble, Target, The Library, Pat and Oscar's, the Farmer's Market sign, the post office and more. I'm not sure he can READ these words but, he sure recognizes the graphics and so the learning fun begins.
His current favorite book is Arthur's Reading Race. This is a really cute book. In the book, Arthur bets his sister D.W. (what does D.W. stand for?) that she can't read 10 words and if she does, she gets Ice Cream.
Pure Genius!
See, learning is fun even with a little treat at the end!
DJ loves this book and loves doing the dance after every word.
Hey, whatever works.
Learn a new word, then------
Do the dance, Do the dance!
Instead of acting as if I didn't hear his million questions, (what? i'm the only one guilty of this?) I take the time to EXPLAIN why he has to take a bath NOW and why things are the way they are; and well.....you see where I'm going.
Our new journey has been 3 and 4 letter words. After every new word, we "do the dance" It's the only way I can get him to sit still long enough. And the only way I can get him excited about learning when he would rather be swirling around in the toilet or something gross that little boys enjoying doing. *sigh*
The way I started him off with learning new words, we had to make sure he mastered the sounds of the alphabet first. Well, that was a very exciting journey because everywhere we went, my son would see a word and sound out the letters and would get so happy and excited.
He proudly spells the Stop Sign. No matter where we are, he will point and say: STOP! Sssss-TTTTT-ahhhhh-ppppp! Stop, Stop, and so on!
He also recognizes (our most visited places) Albertson's, Barnes and Noble, Target, The Library, Pat and Oscar's, the Farmer's Market sign, the post office and more. I'm not sure he can READ these words but, he sure recognizes the graphics and so the learning fun begins.
His current favorite book is Arthur's Reading Race. This is a really cute book. In the book, Arthur bets his sister D.W. (what does D.W. stand for?) that she can't read 10 words and if she does, she gets Ice Cream.
Pure Genius!
See, learning is fun even with a little treat at the end!
DJ loves this book and loves doing the dance after every word.
Hey, whatever works.
Learn a new word, then------
Do the dance, Do the dance!
Question: What tips do you have to offer with
encouraging your toddlers to enjoy reading, learning and more?
Please share.
encouraging your toddlers to enjoy reading, learning and more?
Please share.
Awww...girl, that is too darn cute! too cute! I'm getting that book for Ava.
OMG!!! I love this. And to think they don't teach phonics in GA public schools. I need to take this video to the governor.
@Tania--Thank you. You will LOVE this book. It's a really cute, fun and easy to read book!
@Fergie--What??????? That is crazy! No phonics in school? What in the world?
We hope that your young man will continue to love reading throughout his life. If you enjoy reading and writing great poetry or prose we hope you will find the time to visit our place. Thank you in advance. Be well!
Sooooo precious! I'm new over here and have enjoyed reading your blog. I will definitely be back. Stop through my little spot when you have time.
Can we enroll in your pre-school? The both of you make a great team. ^5
Hi. My name is Stephanie and I read your blog all the time. I have a fifteen month old and look forward to the time when I can have some fun like you and your son. I never comment. I am a lurker but you asked a question I know the answer to. D. W. stands for Dora Winifred. LOL!
I want someone to come over and have me do the 'you did the dishes dance'. Too cute.
Hey, my blog today is titled Remember to Dance-it's a completely different spin but it's about dancing.
I like to become the character when I read to my kids. They seem to get more caught up in the story that way. Occassionally they will say "Mom can you just use your voice." Cracks me up every time
Hey if his mom is a writer(you)he will learn to love to read for sure
Tanyetta....this is fabulous. I am teaching my toddler to read too :)
You are phenomenal!!!!!!
Now you know he has to show you his whole mouth when he says "GO". He is doing so well!!! I always applaud moms that teach...whoo hoo!!! I better sharpen my skills for my little one. I love the dance!!! Hey, whatever it takes girl!
That is extremely awesome!! Not only would I be totally proud of that adorable kid, but my gosh is he about the cutest doing his "3 letter dance". I just loved it!! :)
Hey! I love seeing mama being creative when it comes to learning! We also do a lot of dancing and cheering in our house for accomplishments, my 2-year old really responds to that. We read a lot in our home, at night my daughter gets to pick out 3 books she'd like to end the day on, although it often ends up being 4 or 5. How can I say no to books? I think the most important way to instill a love of reading in a child is for the parent to always be reading - whether it be books, magazines or even a newspaper. I figure if my daughters see me reading instead of sitting in front of the TV, they will see it as a wonderful and viable option. And my daughter has just started to "read" too, which is little more than flipping the pages and saying nonsense, but it's a beginning and it makes me so proud! Keep up the great work!
Cute!!!! I love when kids get excitied about reading.
Let's see if this works...
Not sure why I was having trouble commenting before. I forgot what I wanted to say now.
Another child prodigy in the making! I hope you keep this website for another umm 5-10 years so I can get good advice when I start birthin' babies.
This post just warms my heart! Way to grow DJ!! I am so big on reading with and to the kiddos. Lil Man caught my reading bug very early on. Now when he reads a book at bedtime he makes sure he reads so the lil one can hear. It's so cute!
DJ so SMART and got moves! watch out world!
I had to comment again to say "I love you DJ"!!! We are proud of you big boy!
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