Ask your kids what makes them happy.
This is how it all went down this afternoon:
Me: what makes you happy?
DJ (my son): daddy
Me: daddy makes you happy?
DJ: Yes. he makes me happy
Me: Why?
DJ: because he's nice to me.
Ok, while this is cute and all...what about the woman who stays home with you all day, cooks for you, kiss all the scrapes on your knees and puts on the cool bandaids, reads the same books over and over even when I want to scratch my nails on the chalkboard, takes you on playdates, library trips, nature walks and well.....nevermind. once again, daddy rocks! i'm ok with it. i'm not bitter or anything! haha...i love this kid!
Face it the children love their daddies no matter how much we do for them. However, I cannot dismiss the fact that not ever having a father I can see that just their presence is vital to our children’s development.
You should tell hubby to ask DJ that question later and see what he says. lol
i think a lot of stay at home moms feel like that. stay at home dads might, too.
Don't worry! When he becomes a famous "______" (you fill in the blank) who do you think the shout-outs are going to...his MAMA!! I still love to see kids hooked on their daddies!
Aww man, they always say stuff like that! what about me man, what about me!!!
Hey, you know how it is...Daddy means fun and Mommy means business!
you know that is how it goes! I gave up years ago cause I know D would win over me hands down. Oh well, they eventually gotta eat right?
typical! too cute.
Haha! I feel exactly the same - don't mind Tee loving her Daddy more at all.
But hey, since they love Daddy so much, maybe they can spend every single waking hour of theirs with their Daddies whilst Mummy goes out shopping or whatever. The whole time.
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