Monday, October 15, 2007

Pearls of Wisdom--Twisted Style

Anyone have a gramma or family member that always say everything is the devil?

Baby, stay away from those people, they are the devil.
Don't you hang out once the street lights come on, that's when the devil comes out.
Keep on acting up and I'll knock the devil outta you.

I could go on but, you get my drift.

I know I'm not the only one with a family member that always gave some off the wall advice but, you couldn't resist laughing everytime you thought of it and now you find yourself saying the same exact thing!

Question: What's a phrase that you heard growing up that you are always saying to your children or children that you are around all the time?


Alexandra said...

"Anyone have a gramma or family member that always say everything is the devil? "

Yeah, me! LOL..I say that to my family. And it's true. ;)

Nothing off the wall, but my dad always used to tell me you can't burn a candle at two true! I think I learned moderation from this saying...which he said a lot when I was a teenager.

Anonymous said...

Oh I have a few that I stop mid-sentence and say to myself(I cannot believe I am about to say this-but then I say it anyway) The one that is popping to my mind now is-Laughing Turns to crying, Now I understand the meaning behind this phrase. After watching my children many times be all silly-I knew that their rational thinking had been turned off and that usually is a sure sign for something unfortunate to happen. Like tickling your brother and then being knocked to the ground(accidentally of course)When he tries to get you off of him.


Celia Fae said...

Tanyetta, you are a blogging maniac! I can't believe how productive you are.

I say all sorts of things to my kids. Things that my mom used to say, like clean your room and flush the toilet. Pretty exciting stuff, huh?

Jameil said...

"stay out of grown folks business!!" "quit bein fast!" "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" "does your momma know you're doin that??"

yeah... this is why i don't have children and try not to be around them too much as cute as they are. when they get out of line i get unpleasant. my grandmother likes to say "devil get on outta here!" except she says it like she's talking to someone she knows... we DIE laughing every single time. SO FUNNY!!

deepnthought said...

"Anyone have a gramma or family member that always say everything is the devil? "

according to my sister that is me. lol

My nana used to say, "when I catch my breath, I'ma catch you.... lol

I now say it to my nieces and nephews.

Nichole said...

Okay, aparantly I was naughty frequently, pretty much regularly if you ask my mom. If we were having a particularly challenging week/month/year she'd take every oppurtunity to tell me when police sirens were heard, "hear that! they're comin to get you because you're so bad." I say that to my 2-year-old...but she doesn't get it yet.

another thing I only just realized now I'm thinking about it. "turn around!" - my mom said this to me all..the..time to get me to go the direction we were supposed to be going while walking. This is the phrase I use to shoo my daughter out of a room or situation she shouldn't be in.

Believer said...

"Do you need to be between my legs?"

For all eyes, that means children under your feet, literally.

There are more, but it's too late to think!

Mamapumpkin said...

Haha...we used to be told that we couldn't go out because the Boogy Man would catch us. Who knows what the Boogy Man is!!! But we were scared! Very rarely, but sometimes, I use that on Tee but mostly, I scare her with the police taking her to jail. Then she can't sleep with Mama at nite! *guilty*


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