I'm telling you, my son has it in for me.
I'm serious.
Take today for instance, he kept insisting on making everything out of a gun. He's eating breakfast then, starts making the shooting noises and pointing at the walls giggling uncontrollably.
I always say, "put the gun down, it's time to eat" yes, I acknowledge that his silverware is a gun because if and when I call it a spoon, I'll get a long story on how he's only playing make believe and he knows it's not a real gun but he's shooting the people in the walls. The people in the walls? What people in the walls?
I am afraid to ask sometimes, so I let things go.
Help! Am I the only mom of a son who has a fascination with all things Guns, Shooting Spider Webs, and more.
What advice can you provide for shaping his life during this critical stage.
I know there are tons of books out there. Covering all topics of Bringing up Boys.
I'd like to hear from people who have "been there, done that," and still going through this stage with their kids or kids that are in your care, etc.
Do you have any books that you highly recommend?
What about personal stories of what has/hasn't worked for you?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
No, you are not alone. Not only will my son use anything but he even will use his fingers hollering out POW, POW. All I can do is shake my head. SOmetime withou reacting Ishoot him back with my fingers.
I cried after my husband and I left the radiologist... when they told me I was pregnant with a BOY. stank, weirdness, and violence were my concerns. And while all of these things are true, I LOVE my boys. If they get into trouble, they don't take it personally (unlike my girls who see punishment as a barrier between us). They're easy to please and crazy funny. I dunno. I guess my advise is to enjoy him (which you obviously already are)!
boys will be boys! I grew up with 5 brothers who had every gun, knife, sword, whip, you can think of. I vowed that I would not allow violent toys. Well, that vow was quickly broken. My son Skyler would pick up a stick, a pencil anything and it became a sword or gun. All he watched was Barney and the Wiggles- I still don't know where he would get an idea of shooting. We lived in Chicago far away from all my brothers and family who still love to play with "air soft guns" even though they are adults. We now have a few guns and swords and I have learned that boys are boys and with my experience, banning all guns wasn't the answer. We talk a lot about pretend and mommy takes whatever weapon away if rules are broken like hitting someone- pointing a gun to a face and head etc. Mostly, they are usually my "heros" and saving me from "bad guys"!
It comes with the package. My MIL have had this conversation many times, because she raised 6 boys.
Instead of trying to suppress their natural tendencies, I try to honor them and help him learn what they are for. We talk ooften about how he is big and strong so he can protect other people, and help others who are less strong. We tell him he will grow up to be a man someday and that strong men help and protect. We don't let him point pretend guns at people, especially younger siblings or they are taken away for a while.
It's not okay to hit when you are angry, or hurt someone on purpose, but if they are already playing rough, or wrestling, and someone gets hurt, girl or boy, they aren't allowed to cry about it. It was their choice to play rough. For a while he had to ask other little boys if they wanted to play a hitting game before they started in, but now that he's older they are all ready to start in at a moments notice. So, essentially, self-control and compassion are emphasized.
I can't even tame my big boy (you know who I am talking about). Not sure I would know what to do with a boy, poor me. I know right now you are saying under your breath "yeah, you will learn after you give birth to that baby boy". Am I right???
Tanyetta you are a rockin' good mother! What are you talking about, girl!? Boys will try a mother's patience, no doubt. I swear every gray hair on my body is because of my son. But truth betold I wouldn't have it any other way.
I seriously believe that smart kids are more imaginative, daring, confident and know their own mind. These are qualities that I see in your son from reading your posts. As he gets older and is better with his self control he will benefit from having these qualities.
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