I'll never understand the decision you made on October 28, 1977. Every year around this time, I always sit down and write a letter to you, hoping one day I'll find some answers to why you did what you did.
Until then, I'll just continue to make an attempt to ease the pain just a little each year by writing down my thoughts and feelings.
If you were alive, you would be so proud of me right now. I have a beautiful family unit. I am married to this really great guy I met in my Sophomore year at school. Let me tell you daddy, you would LOVE him. He is the most patient, loving and supportive man on my planet. And he adores everything about me. Even when I forget to take my "calm down, stop acting so crazy" medication. Wait, that's another story all together.
We have two children. Our daughter is
Our son is
We also have a baby girl, she's 3 and has completed our family unit. I wish you were here to see your grandchildren.
I saw a photo of you once and I wish I still had that photo. From what I remember of the photo, you had a HUGE Afro, very fair skin, you appeared to be tall in the photo too. I wish I still had that photo, I would carry it around with me everyday.
Daddy, what happened? What made you do what you did on October 28, 1977. You were very young. You were 29 years old. What could've been so wrong in your life that made you feel the need to do this? Through a little research, I found out you were buried here. I asked my husband if he would consider making the drive with me to see you. He said, Of course. I called the cemetery and they informed me that you are in a group burial plot and your spot is Section B. So, you are in a grave with 3 other people. I even looked into getting you an official headstone.
I'm not even sure if this is a good idea. I can't even write a letter to you without my feelings getting all out of whack. For instance, I feel so many emotions, I can't really pinpoint what I feel when I think of you not being here.
Sadness, Guilt, Confusion, Anger, Lost, Anger, Grief, Anger, and the list goes on and on.
Oh, don't worry, I am very happy with my family that I have. My husband takes very good care of me and our family without a doubt. We are living a great life. We go through our ups and downs like any other family unit. I am in love and I am loved by my family.
One thing I know, nothing compares to a Daddy's love. And I wish you were here so I can feel what this feels like. When my husband goes on deployments, I always say: Come back. It's not very emotional or drawn out. I just simply say: Come back. He knows exactly what this means and he knows that I know that his safety and return is my utmost concern. I say come back because I honestly don't ever want to lose him or have the kids to experience the grief of not having their daddy here.
I was talking to my husband about this and asked if he ever felt like he didn't want to live and he felt the need to do this, would he reach out to someone or would he ever make this kind of decision. He said, he could never make this decision because he would never want his children to grow up without him. I thought he would say he didn't want to live without me but, his answer was cool too! Hah!
I guess my question is: Did you ever really love me? Did you ever really love yourself? What happened on that fatal day to drive you to make this decision?
Why did you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger? Why did you do what you did on October 28, 1977? I wish you were here.
Why???????????????????????? and who is Clarence Adams? On the report I received, he was the one who found you. Yes, shot dead in the head. Was he a friend of yours? Was he someone you felt that you couldn't talk to? I'm sure he probably still has nightmares of finding you in the state you were in.
I wish you were here. You would really like me and you would be very proud to call me your daughter.

Wow, Tanyetta - you have an impeccable ability to powerfully express your feelings.
I'm so sorry you never got to know your father, and missed out on the joys of father-daughter experiences...perhaps that's why God sent you such an amazing man for a husband.
I don't know you very well, outside of the internet, but from everything I've read of yours, I'm sure your daddy would be very proud just to know you.
TANYETTA, WOW WHAT A HEARTFELT LETTER!!! sorry you never got to know your father..i am proud!!!
this was touching. Very amazing.
That is a very poignant letter. Very touching.
That took a lot of courage to share your letter. Blessings...
what an amazing letter. You are so courageous to write that and click send. I admire your vulnerable honesty.
Much love to you.
we love you tanyetta.
we're sorry you went and are going through this but we want you to know we love you.
thank you God for using tanyetta's dad to make her and to make her who she is: compassionate, selfless, genuine and caring among many characteristics you've made her to be.
I am lost for words. It must have taken alot of courage to put something so personal on your blog. It is sad that your never got to know your Dad but he would have been so proud of you.
Much Respect!!!
Wow. What a heartbreaking post. I am so sorry for your loss.
I just popped over to see your header (from RS Designs) and I have to tell you I was really moved by your letter. I am so sorry for your pain. I grew up without ever knowing who my real father was b/c my mom died (Oct. 18, 1975) when I was 4 and his identity was never told to anyone. If you really want to know who Clarence is try Googling him, I might take baby steps contacting him if I found him but my curiosity might get the best of me. Good luck mama - sounds like you have a really great life - take care!
My maternal grandfather did the exact same thing your dad did back in the late 60's. To this day no one knows why he did it. I question what our relationship would have been like too, had he been alive. How different my life might have been. Even if he would have liked me. It's not easy when you have no answers. I feel for you. I really do.
Tanyetta, I know it took a lot for you to post this. Regardless of the choice your dad made, you have made great ones for yourself and your family. Keep being the strong intelligent woman you are and pass that along to your kids. Much love and respect....Shelly
Wow! I want to send you a hug right now. I know it must have taken everything in you to post this one. It brought tears to my eyes.
You did well girl. I wish I had your strength to post things that I still have no answers for and still bother me, but that will take time.
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
This is beautifully written, Tanyetta. I am so sorry you lost your dad.
Thanks for sharing that!
It touched me deeply.
Wow! What Fergie said.
Chica.....YOU are a true testament to your own self....what you have, the way you have grown, your wonderful family....all things that you should definitely be proud of. Just remember to hold on to the good stuff.
I can't imagine what that must feel like. So many unanswered questions when things like that happen. You have wonderful family and I know your dad would be so proud of you if he were here. I hope you're feeling better. I'm sure it is probably so hard when that anniversary rolls around. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you and the little girl who wants to know her daddy. I bet these letters are helping. I believe you will see your dad again someday. I know your daddy is so proud of you and the person you have become.
I bet your dad knows what a great woman you've become and what a great family you have, not everyone has what you have, you are so blessed! I am all misty-eyed over here.
This is a moving post. I'm sure he would be impressed by your life. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad to have discovered you.
I am speechless.
The one thing I am certain of is HAD he the chance to get to know you...to be a part of your life and your children's lives, he'd have definitely been proud.
that's good that you able to reach out and express it. I'm glad it didn't affect the way your raise your own children.
My parents are still alive but it's still a struggle to do things differently with my own children. So I can't even image what it must be when your own parent dies in such a way.
You go girl!
Oh darn, first you had me laughing with DJ's phone conversations, now you have me crying.
I am so so very sorry for your loss.
sending hugs!
I have written many a letter to my dad. Some I have actually sent. They said letter writing is supposed to be therapeutic.
I am glad that you were able to find some of the love that your dad was never able to give you in a loving husband.
I have faith that one day I will too.
Tanyetta my nose is burning from trying not to cry! :-)
Jennifer said it best. I constantly think about how my father skipped town. How some of my other friends had fathers and I didn't. But me having Greg just makes up for it all because I know that he will be the best father in the world.
Girl, if I could, I would fly to Cali just to give you a big hug.
I just happened to look at your favorite blogs....with it being just a week shy of his 31st year. Girl just know that he loved you, but at the time when he left this world, there was a place in him so dark, that he couldn't feel the love his baby girl and anyone else had for him.
I feel you.
p.s. your father is resting about 3 miles from our house in whittier. also about 10 miles from where my brother rests.
Very Powerful
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