Friday, December 21, 2007

The happiest place on earth!--Disneyland

Look who DJ and I went to see yesterday!
Yes! It's the happiest place on earth!

What a fun day! It was a freezing California day (low 60's) haha!
He was so excited!

Check out his Christmas List. I told you my son is the easiest kid to shop for!

He's giving his list to Santa!

This is where it gets tricky. DJ asked for one of these balloons. Guess how much they cost. I'll give you one guess. If you guessed $5 you were WRONG! These balloons cost $8.00-I said, let's take a photo with the balloons and go to see Cars! I know, bad mommy! Oh come people really pay $8.00 for these balloons? Hah!

Worked like a charm! He forgot all about the balloons once he saw this!!!!!

After the CARS exhibit, we stopped by the gift shop. He picked out this really cool Buzz Lightyear laser gun (complete with the LOUD zapping sounds) Music to my ears on the way home of course!

Right after the parade, it began to rain. We rode Buzz Lightyear 4 times in a row. This is DJ's favorite ride.

Then it was time to go home! BOOOOOO! to the rain. We headed down Main Street to go home. I was so bummed that I wasn't able to get my ritual funnel cake and hot chocolate
(from Frontier land) at the end of a great day!

I was pouting like a 2 year old. I kept thinking about falling out on the ground screaming that I want a funnel cake and hot chocolate! I decided against it. You know I couldn't risk embarrassing my toddler out in public. He would never dream of doing something like that. He's way too mature for that. Hah~

My passes expire on Dec 30th! It was fun while they lasted! If you have a chance to go to Disneyland this Christmas Season, you should go! The decorations and the entire atmosphere is a must see and everything is completely outstanding!


Lissete said...

I LOVE Disneyland! We have Disney World here, but it's 4 hours away! I actually prefer Disneyland though.

At first, I didn't notice the list in the girls hand. I thought that DJ wanted a blonde for Christmas! Since he's such a ladies man & all... :)

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Oh wow, you got some great photos out of your outing! DJ was looking so cute in his outfit. I agree with Lissete, you know I always say that DJ is such a ladies man! Are you getting a new pass for next year?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. And thank the lawd you did not fall into tantrum mode. DJ would have just left you there kicking and screaming. LOL

Anonymous said...

What fun!
60 is cold huh?!
c'mon over.

The only time I've ever been to Disney is in the spring.
Christmas time would be fun.

GirlyFruFru said...

what a CUTIE !! Great Photos

Jenna Wood said...

What a blast! We took our kids 3.5 years ago and my older have great memories. We're planning on returning in 1.5 years with all 5 kids. It sounds like they have some cool new stuff since we've been.

Believer said...

FUN! FUN! FUN! Making memories!

We can't wait to visit next year.

Afrodite said...

I've had my fill of Disneyland. My friend and I actually went in August. Yeah, that's right, two 24-year old women and we had a ball but I've been so many times I'm just tired of it.

I told my friend that I'm not going to back to Disneyland until I have kids. DJ looks like he had a grand ol' time.

P.S. I'm born and raised in California and 60 degrees is cold! Time to break out the scarves and gloves.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Mmmm funnel cake, tantrum worthy!

All he wants for Christmas is candy? He has all the rest! Oo his little DJ wear is sooo cute! *adds ties to my babyshower wishlist*


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