Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Make a pallet on the floor!--Works for me!

DJ comes into our room every night about O'dark thirty! Jumps into our bed and just hogs the entire bed!

I came up with a plan.

Make a pallet on the floor!

Husband: What is a pallet?
Me: I'll show you!

I gathered some comforters out of storage made a really nice soft 'bed' on the floor next to our bed. Added a few of his stuffed animals and pillows!

This way when he comes into our room, he can go on his pallet and not in our bed.

Well, does it work? Heck NO, he by passes the pallet and jumps into our bed anyway.

I think I heard him say--who does this woman think she's fooling with all that! LOL

Well, at least I can get an A for effort. *sigh*

Works for me!


Adrienne said...

LOL, Aj used to do that. I'd take him back in his room so quick lol.

shoeaddict said...

Why he don't know what a pallet is? I slept on a pallet on the side of my mamma's bed for forever!!

Anonymous said...

Your pallet looks much more inviting than the camo green sleeping bag I used to have on the floor next to my side of the bed.

Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

We still have a four year old coming to our bed at dark o'thirty!

Atasha said...

Don't you know that pallet is really for you? Come on now...hehehe :)

IAD said...

Lol@DJ. Maybe if you put him down on the pallet a couple of times for his naps...he might use it at night......Don't give up or he'll win and spread the news to his lil crew....Keep the faith...lol!

D-dawg said...

You do get an A for effort! I should try that. Macey adn Logan come in all of the time and kick me!!! It makes me crazy.

chelsea said...

"Dark o'thirty" That's a good one! The pallet is a good idea, maybe I'll try it for the 3 rugrats I have sneaking into my bed at "dark o'thirty" every night.

Tania said...

Been there done that pallet, sh*t does not work, at least with mine..lol

O'dark thirty...hahahha! gotta use that one.

Aly Cat 121 said...

that's too funny. He probably look at that palette and think yall getting a dog. LOL

Miss Snarky Pants said...

And to think I thought I was the onnnnnnllllyyyyy person who knew what a pallet was. ;-)

Believer said...

I'm saving this tip in my back pocket. Thanks!


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