Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thank you so much for your support!!

I have a confession to make. I LOVE blogging. It's my saving grace. It's my guilty pleasure. I love taking photos and experiencing life all over again with my sidekick DJ!

And most of all......I LOVE comments. Something about checking my G-mail and seeing the "YOU HAVE mail" box lit up just makes my day. I keep thinking of getting one of these but, I'm sure I would need one of those rehab programs for addictions to blogging for sure.

Here's the other side of the coin. I want to respond to each and every comment. I want to click on your profile and go to your blog and comment and see what's going on in your world. I
really do.

I feel like I'm messing up in the Blog/Commenting Etiquette department. Ack! Is there such a thing? Like for instance, what is the right way to do this blog/comment thing? Someone leaves a comment, are you supposed to answer or respond to every comment in the comment section or respond to them on email? See? I'm so confused.

The deal--I've fallen behind on trying to keep up with my commenter's. It's not even like I get a truck load of comments. It's just that if and when I try to click on my computer during the day sometimes my son gives me the guilt trip and I have to close the computer before I even get started. He always says, NO mommy, close the computer. Let's go outside. Now, how can I say NO to that?

Please forgive me ahead of time if I've missed your comments or didn't get a chance to respond or come by your spot. If you know me, you know that I will make my way around to see you.

Please don't stop visiting me! Thank you so much for your support!!


Tom_Gurl said...

I love coming here to see what adventures you and Mr DJ get up to!! It really makes my day!!

I tend to respond to my commenters in the comments section-but that's just me....however you wanna respond to us is totally up to you-I don't think there's a right/wrong way to do it!

Please don't ever stop blogging!! I'm making visual notes, but when I have children, I hope to be able to make their lives as fun as you make DJs...I'll need tips when i get there (which I'm not planning anytime soon)

Ok-enough flattery (I'll have that $10 now!! lol)

Raquita said...

ever thought of a feed reader? might make it easier to keep up

Lissete said...

I usually don't respond in the comments because I, for one do not check back on others blog comments. I do answer by email when someone asks a question or something.

Bloglines makes my blogging life a it easier.

Anonymous said...

Girl please, I don't come over here to talk to you. I am all about the latest antics of DJ. Just kidding. LOL. Girl do you. I have seen people that respond to ever comment, some that don't and some will send emails. I don't think there is a "rule".

Adrienne said...

I have a Tmobile Dash, but I've been looking at the Curve. My SIL has it and I love hers. As far as the blog goes, it's what ever you are comfortable with. I visit some blogs that don't "reply" back to comments at all. Just do you girl. I'll still visit lol :-)

Erica Bunker said...

It's all about what you want to do. I appreciate my comments but I can't reply to each and everyone. I'd be doing that all day. I get an average of 30 - 40 comments per post... impossible. After a day or so, I'll just add a "thank you" comment to all.

chelle said...

I always read, unfortunately with the move and Christmas I have little time to comment.

I actually feel uncomfortable getting emails sometimes in response to comments I leave, I am not sure why (never from you just people that I do not know well ya know?) I much prefer that when I leave comments, comments are left for me. It is all about the community we build all over the world, never to feel lonely again :)

That is a cool pic of you btw!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it.
I love your blogging.

We all know you love us.

Believer said...

I think bloggers appreciate a reply when they comment. When I first started I didn't bother, but quickly caught on that others did and it was positive. All the best in finding what works for you!

Afrodite said...

Girl, don't even worry about it. I don't know if there is sucah a thing as blog etiquette. If there is, I damn sure don't follow it.

I do love getting your emails though!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

I tried to respond to all through email, sometimes I don't get to them all but I make an announcement on my blog if I fall behind.

You too? I want something like a blackberry soo bad for this reason and to keep up with my other stuff.

Anonymous said...

You get to a point...the tipping point. I am sure there are tools to help you stay up on comments.



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