Friday, January 4, 2008

Elation! Celebration of a Santa Globe!

Remember THIS?

I have some Good News!

We were able to get it today! Finally!

There were 2 left in the store (original price was $24.99)
and they were on sale for 75% off.

*Edited to add, The globe was 90% off.
I paid $2.49. The signs were posted as 75% off but, my register receipt read $2.49.
Do you think I should go back and let them know? No? Consider it a blessing? Ok. Cool. Thanks~ Ya'll need to run to CVS! 90% off is a GREAT deal~ You can't beat that with a bat! I am doing the happy deal dance right now!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Look at his face! He was so excited.
He and daddy sat, watched and listened to the
11 Christmas songs this contraption of a noise maker Santa Globe plays.
Yes, 11 variety of songs. Pick one, I'm sure it's in there! Oh the joy!

I guess we'll keep it out for the 12 days of Christmas and after that,
it will be stored up high with the tree and other decorations!

Today was a great day!


Anonymous said...

Awww, the gift that keeps on giving. I love the picture of him and Darrin just watching the globe.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Glad he was able to get the globe. We know how much he had his eye on it when it was FULL price! Hey, you did it right!!! I bought some great drinking glasses I had my eye on for 90% off!!! Glad I waited.

Lissete said...

Looks like DJ really LOVES that snowglobe! And I LOVE 75% off! I'm hading out to Target now in hopes of 90% off!

Sylvie said...

YEY! I am so glad they still had it and 75%! I have been racking up on things to put up for next year. I haven't seen the snow globe though.

Atasha said...

I'm excited because I love a bargain probably more than you. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, good deal... umm but is it worth it? A toy that doesn't stop making noise? it might accidentally get broken and then not make the noise any more... hmm, yeah that's what would hapen

Tania said...

Oh, you got it! you are a good mommy to remember and 75% off can't be beat!

Jenna Wood said...

Oh that is so cute. It is obvious that DJ loves it.

Anonymous said...

Now it can snow everyday at your house.

Believer said...

I tell you what, if you frequent a store'll catch the "right" sale. Glad you held out for 90% off. Now that's frugal living! :)

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Ooo I gotta check out CVS! It's Pay day! lol

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I am laughing at you because you have to listen to all the Christmas cheer ALL day long!!


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