Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First day of Tiny Tots!

DJ's first day of Tiny Tots was a success!
Look at all the excitement on his face:

This was right BEFORE he actually came face to face with the reality he was going by himself!

I didn't take a photo of the meltdown.  Just imagine this smile turned upside down with a flood of tears!  I felt so guilty.  

Once the thought of having 2 hours to myself set in, I quickly thought of a quick escape and crossed my fingers the teacher wouldn't call me with news I would have to come back and console my child.  Is that bad?  No?  Ok, thanks.

Clean up time with friends!

Look at his sad face.  Poor guy.  I had to leave before the guilt tried to get me!

Overall, he had a great time.  His teacher gave a good report.  Despite the fact he proudly announced to her that he didn't want to sit down and cross his legs, he just wanted to cross his ankles!  *sigh*

Hopefully Wednesday will bring more good news!


Anonymous said...

LOL. He looks like he had a good time. What did you do for your 2 hours?

Believer said...

He's a big boy now!

Sylvie said...

Awww!~ That pic before you dropped him off is too cute, like he's excited and ready. I am glad the day went well. Girl don't feel guilty. Taking mommy time when you need it makes you a better mommy! That's what I believe anyway.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Sounds like it went well. Hope you enjoyed your alone time! I will miss that when William comes cause I am used to being alone from 8-2 everyday. Oh well, I guess life will go on...

KJ Family said...

Can he be any cuter??


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