Sunday, January 6, 2008

Gifts from a friend!

My friend Analiza gave me a bag of clothes her son has outgrown.

She is so sweet.

Here's a photo of one of the Polo shirts! She has great taste and
I'm so glad she thought of my baby boy when she was purging her son's closets!

Thank you Ana!

I will have to tell about how Ana and I met. It will make you SMILE!
I'll have to ask her permission to write it.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing Ana is!
It fits only PERFECT!

Anonymous said...

He is too cute. My boys will not smile (unless bribed)... they are way too cool for that. SIgh...

Jameil said...

dj is GROWING!!

Babs said...

Can I just say how much I love that little boy and his cheesey grin!

Angel at Aduladi' said...

What a blessing to get clothing that other kids have outgrown. It's the way we get some of our best stuff!

Love reading your blogs!

Me, Myself, and I said...

DJ is such a cutie..and that smile! Man! He looks JUST like YOU.


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