Friday, January 11, 2008

A night with Joel Osteen

My husband and I went to see Joel Osteen. What an amazing experience. WOW!

We had the best time ever!

The event was very well planned.

The music, The message and more.

I have to say, there's a BIG difference watching the message on TV and experiencing it in person!

We had one of the best seats in the house!!!! That was the best part.

Joel broke down when he began to talk about his losing his dad and how he (Joel) took over the ministry. He tried about 3 times to tell of his dad's passing away. Every time, he tried to get it out, he cried. What an emotional point in the evening for him I'm sure. He said he felt like he lost his best friend.

I really enjoyed hearing his mother's testimony of surviving liver cancer after being diagnosed to die in 1981. She's still here! His brother's testimony of leaving his private practice as a Physician to join the Ministry was very interesting.

His wife had a message for the wives. She said to always uplift our husbands. She mentioned how she knows her husband really values her input and she makes sure to always tell him how much she loves and appreciates him. I really enjoy this part.

In some cases, it's always easy to point out the negatives in spouses but, being able to recognize and point out their good parts and to uplift them is a very positive way to approach your marriage. Joel's message was of hope. He sent out a message to the entire arena.

He said 2008 will be the year for everyone to experience God's love and all the blessings he has in store for each and everyone of us. He mentioned there has to be an alignment with God's kingdom and encouraged everyone (if they haven't already) to seek out a bible based church and study his word.

His message of renewing our minds was a very interesting point. Being careful of what we allow to enter our minds and thoughts. He said once the mind has been renewed in God our bodies will follow. (i'm sure he didn't say it in those exact words) I'm trying to remember everything.[:D]

Forming a relationship with God for is a daily journey and a decision that a person has to decide they want to do. Something to the effect of free will and your heart's desire to be a follower of Christ. I'm sure there was much more he said, I didn't take notes, I was so into the message, I didn't get many photos. I have to say, I was very moved by the entire experience.

I've been telling all my friends about Joel. It's like when you find a good deal at the mall, you come back and tell all your friends so they can get in on it too![:D]

I would suggest to everyone if they're interested, to listen to one of his messages. He's very positive and uplifting. His messages are always of hope and the good news of God's love for us.

I really enjoy his messages because there aren't any fillers like shouting sermons, people in the congregation running around jumping up and down. (I've been to a few churches like that) I have to say it was quite entertaining but, not the type of atmosphere I am looking for. :)

Click HERE to see the Video.
#39-You are God's Masterpiece.


Jameil said...

i loooooove filler-free churches. that's also why i'm such a fan of bible study.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing all of this with us.

Anonymous said...

I never listened to one of his sermons but I've been told by a couple of girlfriends that he's awesome. Now you're saying the same thing!
I'll have to check him out.
Sounds like you had a great night!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had such an amazing time. Now you'll have me looking to check it out myself.

Justice Fergie said...

awesome! lucky you that you got to see Joel in person. I love watching him on Sundays.

and the point about wives uplifting their husbands - soooo important (but not always easy!)

AGK said...

I think I'd very much like to attend one day. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's nice to hear it from a "real person" and not a TV endorsement :)

Believer said...

You certainly walked away with being full of the Word and Godly principles. Learning the importance of how a Christian wife should support her husband could be life changing. It was for me! :)

Kathryn & John said...

God bless you and your family!

Lys said...

I adore Joel Osteen. The past two times he has been near Orlando, I'm one of the first to get my tix and be ready to go. Both times, I got thwarted by the 9to5 which isn't too fond of us actually having something to do when we're in trial. *sigh*

I'm so happy you got to see him live!

Leigh said...

That's awsome. I always watch him on tv. Just by chance one night I was flipping stations and whatever he was saying caught my ear. I'd never heard of him before last November.


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