Thursday, January 10, 2008

Can toddlers get expelled from preschool???

I had a dentist appointment today.

Danyelle took her brother to school and I picked him up.

I got the same report. DJ doesn't want to cross his legs for story time. He prefers to cross his ankles. I wanted to ask the teacher if it was really that serious. Then again, what do I know. I'm just impressed he sat still for any long period of time.

He has two pages of homework. He's 3. I had NO idea they give out homework to 3 year olds.

He reminded me twice on the way home. He has to do his homework. Needless to say when we got home, he decided that he didn't want to do his homework. I didn't pressure him to do it.
We have until next Monday. We'll have it done before then. If not, do you think he'll get expelled? Do they expel 3 year olds from Tiny Tots?

Question: Are your kids in preschool? Any advice for a newly preschool mommy?


Anonymous said...

I bet they have expelled a tot or two?

Anonymous said...

hi--i don't comment usually but I like your blog, so i thought i'd delurk to say: i'm sure they have expelled kids, but they're not going to expel them for only crossing their ankles. it's probably for chronic biting or something actually serious. i can't even believe they even bring this up to you. sounds like that teacher has maybe got some control issues.

Sylvie said...

Yeah I would wonder what the big deal is about him crossing his ankles too. As you know I am new to the pre school game as well so I dont think I have any pointers.

Unknown said...

Hi Tanyetta-
I totally blog lurk and I really enjoy your entries - mostly because it is nice to read a Christian mom!! Anyway, I was a preschool teacher for 8 years at a community college (they tend to be very researched based and age/developmentally appropriate).
Here's the thing - research has proven over and over and over again that preschool age children learn by doing (they learn math by building with blocks, they learn science by playing at the water table, they learn reading by learning how to identify symbols, etc). Many seasoned and trained teachers will tell you that it is NOT developmentally appropriate to assign homework to a 3 yr old - I bet it is more for the parents who want their kids to get more academics. Seasoned teachers would also be happy with any child sitting during circle time - of course you want to have a standard (like sitting with legs crossed), but with that age you have to take it in small steps.
As I said, I was a teacher for years adn I have a degree in early childhood education and going for my 2nd degree in child psych and hoping to apply to grad school and I'm here to say that BOTH my boys marched to their own drummer in preschool and always wanted to do things THEIR way, not the way the teacher would have liked. They never liked to sit criss-cross or make art projects. Some teachers understood this, others didn't.

Just keep in going and be mindful of his age and his limitations and ignore unrealistic expectations.


Unknown said...

I have worked in Head Start for about 8 years and if he is sitting quietly during circle/story time I don't see what the problem is(For sitting still through a story he would have our class star!). And secondly it is not age appropriate for children to get homework, I agree with Shannan it is more for the adults then the kids, they think the homework proves that the kids are learning. Not sure about your baby's type of school but I thin the teacher has some issues. it sounds like a case of control issues to me (The teacher needs to exert a military type control over the kids).

Leigh said...

Yes mam! Try not to worry too much if your kid doesn't act just like every other kid. All of them develop differently, but I sometimes think preschool teachers expect perfection. I mean really, your son doesn't want to cross his legs and they bring that to your attention. Sounds like micromanagement at the littlest level.

Anonymous said...

I like the comment "micromanagement". My nephew and my cousin have been expelled a time or TWO! and with my nephew, it was his "aggressive behavior" and with my cousin, it was her "aggressive dad". I can even remember when my nephew was at Kindercare and was sent to the "directors office" for his behavior, he was like 2. I thought it was too much, and what do you expect from a toddler? they are learning just like us!

Nikki said...

It's possible that he doesn't want to cross his legs because it's uncomfortable. My daughter can almost cross her legs. She's four and has very low muscle tone as well as hypermobility in her joints, but for some reason it hurts to cross her legs. And a physical therapist pointed this out to me and told me to encourage her anyway, but understand why she can't.


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