Saturday, January 12, 2008

Two progeny roads traveled

I always sit back and think of the big differences between my kids. Not because they're different genders. I'm talking about the difference in how they approach life in general.

I remember my daughter NEVER wanted to take chances with anything daring. She never jumped off more than 2 steps at one, never had the desire to jump off the bedroom dressers, never wanted to swing off the highest level of anything. I look at her now. At the age of 20 she still errs on the side of caution. Well, I don't follow her around much anymore so, I guess it's safe to say she's in public acting like she has some sense. She better! You know moms have eyes in the back of their heads! HaHa! When I visit her job, her boss ALWAYS tells me how sweet my daughter is. That's MUSIC to my ears!

My son on the other hand SEEKS out adventure. When I tell you my heart has almost stopped during a few of his adventures, I truly mean it. You have to be ON TOP OF this kid at all times. He's not one of those kids that can just play by themselves ALONE in a room by themselves without getting into SOMETHING!

The dreaded, CRASH..Uh, ohhhh!!!! Has happened one too many times in this house.

I wouldn't trade any of his daring adventurous energy for the world. I am so thankful for my little boy. HE is a blessing. I wouldn't trade my daughter's calm nature either. I love that about her. I love my kids. They are truly a blessing DIRECTLY from God. I look at them sometimes and get all choked up only because I know they have a HUGE age gap and they're both at a place in their lives that I'm able to give them my undivided attention without the sibling rivalry of close in age children usually experience.

Don't get me wrong, they go through their 'issues'. DJ usually Wins. The younger child almost always wins. I'm not sure why, but, it's true.

I'm so glad she's the best big sister and daughter in the world!
I'm so glad he's the best baby brother and son in the world!


Quiskaeya said...

You write some of the sweetest tug-at-your heart stories of your kids! You have reason to be proud!

Jameil said...

awww... me and my sis are 19 mos apart and def. still fight for our parents' attention sometimes. lol. even though we live hundreds of miles apart. its ridiculous. we are very much different too in our approaches to life. i know my mom looks it us in amusment and love as well. so sweet.

Believer said...

It's like have what you need...and they are where they need to be. It's perfect, and God don't make mistakes. You're blessed!

Anonymous said...

boys are so daring aren't they?!
it's pretty wonderful to have great kids!

chelsea said...

The wonderful nature of boys, you gotta love 'em! I've endured broken bones, stitches, dislocation, knocked out teeth and countless cuts and scrapes and the oldest is only 5! Boys will be boys!


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