Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What men really want. A toddler's point of view.

I decided to channel surf. I came across the Tyra Banks show. This show, "What men want" was on. Since our 3 year old was in the room, we weren't able to watch the show. He will have a fit if you change the channel from all things Veggie Tales or anything kid friendly. Even if he's playing and obviously NOT paying any attention to the TV he will scream if the channel has been turned.

I decided to ask DJ what he thought men wanted. I know he's 3. I like to humor myself and ask him random questions. Needless to say his answer further proves that some men really don't know what they want.

His answer: Dogs, no they can't have a dog, toilet bowls, a brother and his watch. Everything else was hit or miss. My favorite part, I asked him what Daddy wants at the end of the video. His answer to this was priceless!

Question: What do men really want? Out of life in general.


Lissete said...

So, is the little man getting a brother or a dog??? ;) Bet it's the toilet bowl!

Anonymous said...

He is too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't make out what daddy wanted.

Unknown said...

That was so cute - I should do that with my boys with the video camera. But I didn't catch what daddy wanted - hope it wasn't what I thought I heard.

Anonymous said...

Daddy wants all of that? Wait...what did you say DJ?

P.S. Thanks for your input on the SCANDAL! lol

CreoleInDC said...

DJ is the HotNESS!

Tania said...

Lol! lordy that child is too much...hahaha!

Me, Myself, and I said...

OMG!!! That was too cute!!


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