Monday, February 11, 2008

Nooma-Flame and Name (Rob Bell) Videos

Hello Everyone,

I watched the following videos this weekend and I was moved to share them with you.

BEFORE you WATCH the videos, I would suggest that you watch them in a private place where you are able to focus and give the videos your undivided attention. In the first video, the speaker Rob Bell goes into detail about the 3 stages of Love.

I hope you enjoy these videos and share your comments with what you thought of it. I have to say, I was quite moved by each video. We watched these videos at our Women's Ministry Breakfast and I had to search the internet to see if they were available and they were.

Each video is about 11 minutes long. Enjoy.

Here's the video:

Here's another video that was featured as well:

Title: Name
Part One:

Title: Name
Part Two:

Please, let me know what you think of the videos.


Believer said...

I watched the first video and was intrigued by the Hebrew names and levels of love.

Intimate Issues by Linda Dillow & Lorraine Pintus is a great book about sexuality for women by women. Good stuff and Song of Solomon is referenced as well.

The video spoke of young Hebrew boys not being permitted to read those scriptures until a certain age, and I can understand why.

Anonymous said...

Rob Bell has an amazing ministry.
Our family likes to watch the Nooma videos as well.


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