Me: I am getting very discouraged at the lack of substantial books
focusing on black families being depicted in a positive light.
Her: What do you mean?
Me: Each and every time I go to the library, I find myself combing
the shelves in search for books that focus on black families, positive
situations where the families spend time together and there's a MAN in
the household.
The books that I've come across, have great illustrations and start
off in a positive light and before the book is over, there's an ebonic
reference (you remember that one book where the mom says *You show is
my sunshine* sigh.
I'm trying to shape my young son's mind. I want him to be able to
identify with positive images of the black family as well.
Her: Sounds like you need to write a book.
Me: You're right. You're not the first person to tell me this.
I say go for it! You'd write a fabulous book!
Absolutely, Write! Bill Cosbey said "show me the funny". I say..keep it real, see the obsurdity and laugh. I am with you on this. I would love to collaberate with you and see you take off with it.
You have an awesome sense of humor and the greatest little guy that you can use as a character. Even if you talked about the things you saw in other children or growing up experiences. I think you would make a great author. Go for it!!
Well there you go - sometimes God speaks in whispers and sometimes in shouts. What do you think this is?
It's very possible that your family could be an example to others. Go for it!
Yes! Yes! I will buy!
Have you seen Hallmark's ebonic greeting cards? talk about getting on my nerves!
You know I'd buy it!
Ahh, you'd send me a free copy ;-). lol
Sounds like the day in our lives as well. My hubby is always trying to make sure the girls know exactly where they came from and where they should hope and pray they will be headed. I think you guys are doing a great job!
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