Sunday, February 24, 2008

who wears the pants?

this question was posted on a MB and I was stumped.

who wears the pants in YOUR relationship?

what exactly does wearing the pants in a relationship mean?

can someone explain this to me.



Anonymous said...

In our relationship there are some things he wears the pants on and other things that I do. Neither one of us completely rules the roost.

Laura(southernxyl) said...

Now that I've climbed a couple of rungs down off my PMS ladder:

I suspect that the pants-wearer makes money and the skirt-wearer does the housework and childcare. It used to be that men could not be seen doing the skirt-things because it was a blow to their manhood. That's not the case anymore, so wearing the pants has come to mean running the show, even though women have always called the shots about what went on in the home. You know, you see those humorous little things people put in their kitchens that say things like, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" and "This is my kitchen. I am the boss! If you don't believe it ... start something!" I think that's why the phrase confuses us. It's meant to describe a rigid gender role that doesn't exist anymore, at least openly.

Believer said...

That's old school for who makes the BIG decisions.

Leigh said...

Let's see. To me it means that I go out and do all the research or legwork about a situation, and then we discuss it. inevitably, his opinion will be the polar opposite of mine. Most of the time though we come to a meeting of the minds, an in-between place we can both agree on.

Some things though we do not across the line, there are his duties and my duties. He will not dust the house and I don't cute our son's hair.


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