Thursday, March 13, 2008

A day in the life with my daddy and a photographer that comes for the ride!

Look at me!!!!!!!!!

Yes, my mommy COVERED me up like it was a blizzard outside. My daddy pulled the blanket off when she wasn't looking. My parent's they're so funny!


Anonymous said...

How's I miss so many posts??!! stupid 40 hour a week job/4 kids at home/hubby/laundry/etc/etc...

that looks like an awesome laid back day with daddy and DJ and mommy along for the ride.

The edible bugs are yucky, but hey, you have a boy, that's life.

one special friend... one of mine has one - the others are equal opportunity friendsters (umm yes, it's a word!).

and thanks for the LINK!! yay you!

Lisa R Charles said...

Looks like they had a lot of fun!!! Daddy day's are awesome :)

Stop by my place and pick up your award!!

Anonymous said...

aww such good pic's!
What handsome men you have!

Jameil said...

horribly adorable!! i can't take it!!

Mamapumpkin said...

Wow! What an interesting'd never see something like that here. Where is that?!


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