Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The toddlers are out to get me. I'm calling for backup!

*special thanks to Katie for this photo collage* Please go on over to her blog to say hello.

Check out those photos! Aren't they the cutest kids ever. NO need to answer that. I know the answer. Haha!

Mackenna spent the day with us and I have to say....I love that little girl so much. She is so funny and smart and she keeps DJ in line. You know that's her DJ.

Well, needless to say...I tried to create a makeshift gate (the chair across the wall) to keep them in one room. Yeah, well you see what they thought of that. I keep forgetting they are not babies anymore and they're way smarter.

They had a ball throwing the Connect Four pieces on the floor until they realized they had to pick them up too. They tried to pull that sad face look on me too. I had to look away. They almost made me give in to their sad faces. They're good!

We had so much fun and Mackenna didn't want to leave. Well, my son is the same way when he goes to her house. Isn't it always like that? Hah!

Question: Does your child have any close friends that they're always happy to spend time with?


Shelly- Mom Files said...

okay, so you are telling me I have to go through all of that again?? AAAHHH!!!

Tania said... adorable!

Ava and Sachel are each others best friend, they like to hang out with other kids too but if they had to pick it would be each other.

Believer said...

Yes, and playing together regularly helps with bonding, sharing and all the rest!


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