Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Double standards in parenting.

When it comes to parenting and food, I have to admit, the roles are often reversed or unfair of whatever you want to call it.

I have a confession. There are certain things that I encourage my kids to eat and I will NOT touch it with a 10 foot pole. GASP!

Take asparagus for instance. My son LOVES it. I will gag if one of the stems touch anything on my plate. Will I ever let him see me reject his love for the stuff? NOPE. I've even gone as much as to put a stem or stalk or whatever it's called into my mouth and fake chew and everything! What? I'm the only one?

My daughter, eats this:

I think I'm going to throw the opposite of down just looking at it. She had this at dinner a few weeks ago and I just smiled and faked like I was full to keep from giving in to her pleas of trying just one.

And why didn't anyone warn me about the green stuff. That will clear out all your sinuses with one taste! WOW!

Now, would I ever discourage her from eating it? No way. Hey, if you like it, I love it!

I just need my food to be cooked that's all I'm sayin!


Shelly- Mom Files said...

That's funny, I can agree cause my kids like things that I would never eat! They have sushi that is all cooked called California rolls. I can only eat what is cooked as well. Now I'm hungry...thanks a lot!!!!

ME said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy, you sound like my husband did before he tried a california roll. If you ever do try one, thats the one to try. Crab, avocado, celery...just think of it as salad in a roll. Oh...and DO NOT TOUCH THE WASABI!!!

Lissete said...

My daughters love their veggies. I taught them well! Unfortunately, not by example :( Can't eat them. No way, no how. Except lettuce, which isn't technically a veggie. Oh, and french fries! Yup, I consider them a veggie and I LOVE them!

Anonymous said...

I do that all the time too!! =) Hey when they get older and become parents they can enjoy the privilege as well...

Adrienne said...

My husband does that a whole lot. He HATES beans. HATES them, but always encourage the kids to eat theirs! LOL

deepnthought said...

lol. My mom was like that. I like sushi, but have to be very careful. I am allergic to shell fish and have to be specific.

Anonymous said...

Aww such a good mommy. Danyelle's old enough so that you can frown at her sushi, she's still gonna eat it regardless, lol.

I'm particular about fish as it is. Catfish, tuna, shrimp, and lobster only. If it tastes too much like the Atlantic ocean (too fishy), I don't like it. So there's no way I'd eat it raw, it reminds me too much of fish in an aquarium *gag*.

Anonymous said...

Catfish, tuna, shrimp, and lobster - is all I will eat...

Just read over my comment and thought it was confusing.

Believer said...

I need to try a California roll. Let me put that on my list to do. Really.

I wish my daughter would take my lead on eating anything other than her strawberry marshmallows.

Afrodite said...

I love some sushi! Real sushi, raw fish and everything. You just have to go light on the wasabi.

Atasha said...

My mom got caught with that wasabi and she coughed and coughed, then she cried. So didn't go easy on it she piled it on and was too polite to spit it out. It burned so much and with all the coughing food was coming out her nose. I never touch the stuff

Okay nice visual.

I love sushi, sashimi, you name it! It's yummy. I do think it's an acquired taste, like yogurt. It took me years of my mother forcing me to eat that nasty yogurt before I could actually eat it and not gag.


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