Sunday, March 16, 2008

Friends, Birthday Celebrations and a cheesy song!

My friend, Mackenna's mommy (have you ever realized how some mommies never call each other by their names, they just become Jane's mommy or Larry's mommy) took me out for my birthday to the restaurant of my choosing.

I'm not a fancy food type of eating girl and she knows me so well that she guessed the place I would choose.

Red Robin for the super mega massive burgers.

She hates meat and has gag reflexes if you eat with your mouth opened around her but, all in all, she still tolerates the place just for me. That's love.

My birthday was officially Feb. 10th but, you know I celebrate for the entire month.

What do you mean it's March? And your point is??? I know I'm late in posting photos! Hah!

Here's some photos of the event:

Your eyes ARE NOT playing tricks on you. She got me the brand spanking new DVD of my favorite film. Why did I get married. I truly LOVED THIS MOVIE and will add it to my collection of movies that I can watch over and over again and evoke all the same emotions over and over again when I watch them. Like Beaches. Come on now, we know how it's going to end but, there I am BALLING my eyes out as soon as this part of the movie starts to play.

Oops, I got off topic. Back to the birthday!

So we're sitting there having a good time enjoying the food and there's a table down and across from us having a blast. Of course I had to get in on the fun and sang happy birthday to them from across the room.

As soon as I whispered to my friend, I sure am glad they don't know it's my birthday so I can avoid that cute cheesy song and dance they perform for the birthday person. Wouldn't you know...she had already slipped the message to the waitress and her crew and yup, you guessed it, they sang and did a jig just for me.

How sweet. She giggled and took pictures from the sidelines. Isn't she the greatest?

What a great time. I had a HUGE serving of a Mango Margarita. If you're not an experienced drinker (of which I'm not) be sure to have a designated driver.

WE had a ball and decided to stay out a few more hours. Why? Because our husbands were home babysitting

with the kids and we felt so free without having to run after our toddlers that we went into the mall and walked aimlessly in store after store just taking in the peace and quiet.

It's a sign that you don't get out much if you close down a shopping mall and come out with bags full of stuff for your kids. *sigh*

All in all, I had a fabulous birthday celebration and can't wait until next year. Birthdays are so much fun especially when you spend it with a very cool friend!


Anonymous said...

you got the song...that makes it even more happy!

Here's one of my favorite friend quotes;

"I am a success today because I had a freind who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down..."
~Abraham Lincoln

Adrienne said...

Glad you had a good time!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, good friends are hard to find. You look like you had a blast!

Mamapumpkin said...

Happy Birthday!!! Our birthdays are close. Mine's March 17. No wonder, we're on the same wavelength - haha!! Live life!!kisses to DJ xx

Unknown said...

I think that the best part of the celebration was SHOPPING in the mall without a kid.

Oh and the margarita - that was probably the 2nd best, huh?

Unknown said...


Lisa R Charles said...

Glad to hear that you had a wonderful birthday!!!

Good friends are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a blast and after all that's what celebrations are for! :)

Shelly- Mom Files said...

That's good that you had such a blast. I LOVE Red Robin. Maybe I can bribe someone to take me there for my last meal before birth!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT MOVIE! well both. beaches - of course can't watch without crying... but newer... WHY DID I GET MARRIED! love it.

and shutting down mall and only stuff for kids?? go back. make it right!

Unknown said...

Hey there!
I'm glad you enjoyed your B-Day celebration (even if it is a month later)! You look like you had a ball (I love Red Robin!)! How great to have such an awesome friend!
I hope you at least bought something for yourself, if not go back and get you something!
Peace & Love!

Jenna Wood said...

What an awesome birthday!! My BF's B-day is Feb 12th. My present I mailed got there on time, but I just mailed the card today.

I say celebrate as long as possible!

Aly Cat 121 said...

Ohh happy "unofficial, official" birthday. LOL. Girl ain't it nice to actually SHOP without chasing babies? Glad you all had fun!

Jameil said...

yay birthdays!! happy belated!! Mango Margarita? mmmmmmm. you didn't say what burger you had! you know this is important to me!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday!! It looks like you had a good time!

Babs said...

Red Robin. Yum! Good fries and chicken sandwiches too!

Tania said...

love that movie too! you guys are too cute, glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

How come I didn't know your birthday was last month? Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like ya had fun!

Sheena and I have been wanting to go out to eat at Red Robin, but there aren't any close to where we live. The nearest one is 3 hours away, but for some reason they show the commercials in our area. Red Robin YUMMMMM!!!!

We just watched "Why Did I Get Married?" the other night and it is GOOD! The part where they are all at the table, BEST part of the movie!

Believer said...


I like Red Robin's turkey burgers.


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