Friday, March 21, 2008

Geography through the eyes of a 3 year old

Clarification: Daddy isn't currently deployed. This was a conversation that happened a few weeks ago!

Daddy calls every single day from work to check on us and of course to speak to DJ.

Here's a recent phone call that pretty much sealed the deal and is probably a major reason why Daddy will soon retire from the Military.

Daddy: Hey son, how ya doing?
DJ: I'm fine daddy. Where are you?
Daddy: I'm at work.
DJ: At work in California or at work in Iraq?
Daddy: I'm at work in California. (He's NOT deployed. He's in California)
DJ: Ok, I'll see you later daddy. I love you.
*handing phone back to mommy*
Daddy to Mommy: Did you just hear that?
Mommy to Daddy: I sure did.

Sidebar: To my knowledge our son hasn't really been affected negatively by his daddy's deployments in the past. We pretty much talked all the time when he was gone, saw him on the webcam, pictures, etc..He's in a non-deployable squadron right now stationed here in california and will be working on his decisions of retirement and the next step for OUR family.

For our son to ask this very serious question was mind blowing and quite interesting to say the least.

Thank you everyone for always being so loving and supportive of our family. Especially during the times of my husband's deployments.

He never ceases to amaze us.

Keep us in your prayers while we journey to embark on a new chapter.


Aly Cat 121 said...

Girl all this time I had NO idea your hubby was still in the military. I've seen so many picture posts of the hubby I just thought he was there all the time. *shakin head* That's what 4 children will do.

And yes it's amazing the things children know without us realizing it.

tnt5150 said...

My husband was deployed nearly 2 years...the longest tour in history. He returned July 2007. My heart goes out to your little guy and you..deployment just plain sucks!!
It's nice that you get to talk to him so often and make use of the webcam, I was able to do the same. Very reassuring for the kids!
May your man return safely!

Justice Fergie said...

wow - it just goes to show you how much the little ones take in stride.

Anonymous said...

too smart for his own good. he's a trooper.

Anonymous said...

Out of the mouths of babes. Whenever we adults need a reality check, hang out with a toddler for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's time Darrin.

Quiskaeya said...

We often don't give children credit for how much they understand. God's peace and direction as you guys embark on a new quest. God Bless.

Unknown said...

Kids are so smart, they say things all the time to make adults just stop and think, while the kid is happily moving on to something different!
Prayers for you and yours!

Lisa Steptoe said...

I've come out of lurking status to salute both you and your husband. We left the service right before the start of the 1st Saudi War. We only did long field exercises, never a major deployment while married. There is life after the military. God Bless to you both.

Anonymous said...

I am alway amazed by the strength of a woman married to a man in the military. God Bless


Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

I would have never known with all of the pictures you show of the family all together! DJ's a smart kid and it's great that he hasn't been affected by Darrin's deployments. Go luck retiring, Darrin!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

GOOD luck!***

Leigh said...

That is a very grown-up question for your son to ask! Wow. It is funny how they can amaze you with a question or just by saying something. It is a reminder they are growing up.

I love that picture of them walking.

Believer said...

I wish you both success in this new season, and yay for DJ...he needs his daddy!


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