Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hand me downs are the best!

I received the following clothes from one of the moms at our Military Wives Breakfast event last week.

Her son outgrew them and as you can see, they have TONS of life in them.

I thanked her a million times and made sure to plug that if she has MORE, I am MORE than willing to take them off her hands.

Woo hoo! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


M said...

Hand me downs are indeed the best thing in the world. One of my friends recently gave me a stack and it is such a huge help as Joey is growing like a weed at the moment so out-grows stuff so quickly.

Lissete said...

When my girls were little we really didn't have anyone to hand stuff down to us :( Most of our friends had kids way later. Anyhoo, my daughter's cousin now hands stuff down to her since they wer the same size. (the cuz is a shopaholic) My kid lives for the days that her cuz cleans out her closet, about 2x a year! Bags full I tell ya!

Monkey Man Miles said...

I couldn't agrre more! I just love them as You know T! Miles is still the sharpest kid in Day Care, thanx to his Auntie Tanyetta!

Matter of fact he is wearing and plaid shirt as we speak!

I can't thank you enuf!

Mel and Miles

Unknown said...

DJ always looks sooooooooo cool and cute all the time and now I know your source. Hey I'm not a military wife, but if you want a place to get rid of your old clothes.....

Anonymous said...

Hey save some for Jayden!


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