Thursday, March 20, 2008

I wear my sunglasses at night

My son seems to think if he wears shades, you can't see him. Remember the movie Big Daddy?
When Adam Sandler tells the little boy that if he wears shades then, people can't see him.

My son is 3. You would think he wouldn't believe such nonsense.

You would be quite mistaken. He believes in the Easter Bunny too. I figure why should I be the one to spoil it for him. So, yes......we still play the, "I have on dark shades, YOU CAN'T SEE ME" game.


Anonymous said...

I like when kids cover their faces and think you can't see them because their little hands are covering their eyes.
Your son is sooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, looks like we have the answer to the earlier comment about daddy letting him drive.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

DJ looks so cute in shades! Our cat seems to think if he crouches down to the floor we can't see him, it's so funny. He thinks he's slick, lol.

Isaida said...

too cute!

Leigh said...

Ha, ha. That boy of yours is so very cool-looking. What a cute picture. He will appreciate all these pictures when he grows up and has kids.

brran1 said...

Dang Tanyetta. DJ is drivin already? lol he looks like he's one of those Highway Patrol officers in that pic.

Tania said...

Niiice! stylin' and co-filin'.

Diva's Thoughts said...

LOL! I love it. How adorable.

Naturally Frugal Mom said...

Now if he ain't the cutest thang I don't know what is!


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