Saturday, March 15, 2008

John's Incredible Pizza

Look at us! We had a blast at John's Incredible Pizza in Riverside.

What a great place.

The kids wore themselves out with the rides, games and more!

This video of DJ and his buddy Philip is too cute!

My friend Tiffany put t-shirts behind their heads because the ride was so wild and their heads kept bumping against the seat. The boys were having a blast.

When we got home, my son took a 2 hour nap. If you're a regular to my blog, you know my son is anti-naps. I think I might make a trip to this place everyday just to get him to nap!

Wait...gas prices are way too high. I need an alternate plan! Help.

Check the site to see if there's a John's Incredible Pizza in your area. You will LOVE this place.


Anonymous said...

We don't have a John's but we have something very similar called Gatti's son loves that place.

Afrodite said...

Yeah, we got a John's Incredible Pizza out my way. Actually some peopel from my job were trying to go for our little team building thing. I dunno, man. It looks like a place for kids.

Afrodite said...
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Justice Fergie said...

how cool! too bad they'reonly in Cali :(

Check you out with your own domain name!! you go girl.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sounds like fun, but im still down w chuckie cheese they sale beer

Jenna Wood said...

HAHAHAHA!! That is so cute. LOVE the video. At first I was thinking, really they needed T-shirts under their heads? Then I saw that little POP and said, wise, wise mothers.

Believer said...

We have something similar that costs big bucks, but I was thinking today it's time for another visit. :)


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