Monday, March 17, 2008

Just another day after Tiny Tots with friends.

It's funny how just a few months ago my son CRIED bloody murder at the sight of the Tiny Tots class. Now, he cheerfully goes to class and knows that I will be right back to pick him up. I decided to snap a few shots (ok maybe not a few but, you know what I mean) of my son and his friends from class.
They are too cute!


Quiskaeya said...

Great shots! He looks like he's gaving a great time.

Aly Cat 121 said...

okay I KNOW it's a Cali thing, WHY my daughters have 3 different versions of that SAME dress? LOL

iriegal said...

He is so cute. You are blessed to have such as a wonderful family

Anonymous said...

Girl you bet not let McKenna see them pics. You gone get that lil girl cut!


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