Monday, March 10, 2008

Lurkers come out, come out...wherever you are!


*knocking on the computer screen*

Hey you.

Yeah, you.

The one that stops by and never comments.

I would love to hear from you.

Leave a comment telling me the following:

Where are you from? Where do you live right now? (example: India by way of Brooklyn, NY)
Do you have a blog? What is the URL?
How did you find my blog?
Name one thing you know about me from reading my blog.
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
What topics would you like to see more or less of?
Do you have any questions for me? If so...let's hear them.


iwanagas life in japan said...

Hi. I am a major lurker but decided to comment.

Where are you from?
Originally from Idaho but now live in Japan

How did you find my blog?
From Midori's Blogroll

Name one thing you know about me from reading my blog.
You have 2 children, a young adult and a toddler.

What topics would you like to see more or less of?
I like what you write and can't think of anything different....,

I really enjoying reading your blog!

Curiosity Killer said...

Hey! First time here!!

Where am I?
Born in U.K. and grew up in NYC and Toront, but now I'm living in Hong Kong.

I found your blog through the ULTIMATE BLOG PARTY!!!! Isn't this great?

I just read that you like to tap on your computer screen to get some people on the other side of the cable wire to leave you comments?

What are your hobbies? Funny stories?

See you around! Enjoy the party!

Natrually-loving-God said...

Hello- I guess we are busted huh??

1. living in Beavercreek, Oh by way of Charleston, SC originated in Monroe, La;
2. From one of the many other blogs I LURK around on; married your high school sweetheart, mother of 2;
4.I love them all, by the way I love your blog interesting topics.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Texas but currently living in Madison, WI for law school.

I found your blog through Tifi. I'm one of her readers from Xanga.

You have an adorable son that always makes for good pictures and stories.

I like your blog as it is! =)

Robin said...

just found your site from Paige's site (paige is a friend of my sister). I am a new blogger so I have been obsessed with other people's blogs. I am from Colorado and I like your blog.

Anonymous said...

Where are you from? Where do you live right now? Louisiana. Moved away but I am back!
Do you have a blog?Yes
How did you find my blog? Link on Monnie's site
Name one thing you know about me from reading my blog. I know that you have a beautiful family!
What topics would you like to see more or less of? Don't change..great as it
Do you have any questions for me? If so...let's hear them. I am part of a newly blended family and the age gap between the kids is hard for me to bridge. Any suggestions?

bauer zoo said...

hi, i'm a first timer here.
i'm from ofallon mo. i've lived within 20 miles of here all my life.
i found you from kadi's blog.
you have about the same age gap in your kids as my mother in law did...only she had 5 inbetween. there is 20 years between the oldest and youngest. they actually had 2 in college when she had the youngest!
i love your blog, and sense of humor. hope you don't mind if i come back!

Unknown said...

Jeez, that's a lot of questions! Too much pressure!
Just kidding, it is a pretty good way to pull them out of lurking!

ME said...

Sometimes I comment, sometimes I lurk...either way...hi!!!

Where are you from?
I'm from sunny San Diego, but now I live in Atlanta.

How did you find my blog?
I don't

Name one thing you know about me from reading my blog.
You have a daughter about my age, and a son about my son's age...I could learn soooooooooooo much from you.

What topics would you like to see more or less of?
Who am I to determine who or what you write write it, I'll read it.

Believer said...

You did it!

Quiskaeya said...

Why are you calling me out like that!?!? Just cause I try to peek anonymously doesn't mean I'm a lurker. j/k sistah know this is my address...i live here! heehee:~)


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